Acer Aspire R14 SSD upgrade clone

gev Member Posts: 14 New User
edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives

Aspire R5-471T-52EE
Model: N15P6
BIOS: V1.03
CPU: Intel Core i5 6200U 2.3GHz
SSD: SSD M.2 2280 256GB KIngston RBU-SNS8152S3-256GF
RAM: 8GB onboard

Want to upgrade to 512GB Sandisk X400 SD8SN8U-512G-1122, but want to clone the the whole disc so that all original hidden partitions are migrated too. Doing it with an M.2-USB adapter. Tried with AOMEI Backupper 3.2 unsuccessfully. The system doesn't see a bootable drive at startup. By the way, when connected to a different system via the same adapter, unlike the original 256GB one, Windows explorer as well as Disc Management show all of the partitions at 512GB, but for the original one Disc Management only, Win Explorer shows just one partition. That's another indicator that something is going wrong while cloning.
Acronis Disc Director 12 doesn't allow cloning it, guess because of the running OS on it.
Please help.



  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer
    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • gev
    gev Member Posts: 14 New User

    Sorry for late reply.
    As SSDs keep record of overall written data, and I don't want to accrue TBs of it, I I'll experiment on another Acer laptop that's HDD vs SSD, details provided below. Once I succeed here I'll do the same on my SSD one, that initially mentioned. For this task I'm using a SATA to USB adapter.

    Aspire V5-573P-6896
    Model: ZRQ
    BIOS: V2.13
    CPU: Intel Core i5 4200U 1.6 - 2.3GHz
    HDD: Toshiba MQ01ABF050
    Replacement HDD: Samsung HM500JI
    RAM: 4GB onboard
    A little progress, but still not perfect. I tried Macrium, EaseUS Tofo Backup and Paragon Migrate. Outcome is the same for all. Unlike AOMEI Backupper, these do clone it in a way that hidden partitions are hidden, system is not. Even Windows starts properly, however, system recovery doesn't work. I'm getting "Your PC/Device needs to be repaired..." after Alt+F10. I'm not a real specialist, but is it possible that something in BIAS matters? Please also see some BIOS screens below.


    Error.jpgBIOS Main.jpgBIOS Info.jpgBIOS Boot.jpg

  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer


    I would suggest you to backup the whole disk image using Macrium Reflect free and recover the image to your new SSD.

    1.Create a Macrium recovery disk from Other Tasks.


    2.Backup the whole disk to an external Hard drive.


  • gev
    gev Member Posts: 14 New User

    My bad, sorry, didn't tell it. I did try that too. Not only that, some of these programs also have an option of doing a sector by sector/ bit by bit (not ceratin now on terms) cloning tryed all of those options.

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    i don't understand what you did, to be honest.


    but once you cloned to the SSD, you neeed to take off the original HDD and put the SSD on your laptop, you can't boot from a connected USB SSD.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • gev
    gev Member Posts: 14 New User

    I didn't say that. Where did I tell you I'm trying to boot from connected USB SSD?

    Please indicate the part not clear for you. 


  • gev
    gev Member Posts: 14 New User

    If not clear, in my most recent message I'm telling that I have put aside that Aspire R5 laptop and trying to achieve the same on another Aspire V5 laptop, which has HDD drive not SSD. Luckily I have an extra 500GB HDD to try on.

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    ok, can you please check if on the cloned HDD, there are the same exact partitions?


    about BIOS, no settings to change when you switch HDD.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • gev
    gev Member Posts: 14 New User

    Here's the print screen. Macrium.jpg

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    are you sure AlT+F10 recovery works on the old HDD?


    the clone looks perfect, so i really don't know why is having that issue on recovery.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • gev
    gev Member Posts: 14 New User

    Yes, yes, it works OK when original HDD in Aspire V5 and original SSD in Aspire R5 is used.  But the cloned ones throw this error. However they (I mean the cloned ones)boot in Windows OK.large.jpg

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    boot from a windows 10 installation media with the cloned SSD/HHD, at language selection press Shift+F10 keys, then put these command:


    bootrec /fixmbr
    bootrec /fixboot
    bootrec /scanos
    bootrec /rebuildbcd
    Once the command completes, restart the computer.


    and check if Alt+F10 works, probably there's an error on BCD or partition GUID.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • gev
    gev Member Posts: 14 New User


    I'm sorry, could you detail how to "boot from a windows 10 installation media", I don't quite understand what installation media is?

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    USB installation media, you need to create a bootable windows 10 installation media:

    click on Download tool now and have an 8 GB flash drive available.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • gev
    gev Member Posts: 14 New User

    OK, one question though. Shall I create the installation media from the original Drive, or the cloned one? And what I shall click during the restart to start from that flash drive?

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    if both installation works, HDD or SSD doesn't matter.


    once you created the USB installation media, reboot and enter BIOS pressing F2, enable F12 boot menu, then press F10 to save and exit.

    at next boot, with the USB installation media plugged, press F12 and choose the USB flash drive to boot from it.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • gev
    gev Member Posts: 14 New User

    Did exactly as prescribed, but still the same thing, sorry. Is the attached what was expected? What warries me there is "Total identifyed Windows installations: 0". Is that was it was supposed to be?^F0B5FCD5AD84D1A77B3523EA4C509A2C02F73EA19DE0485FE1^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    ok, let's try this:


    bcdedit /export c:\bcdbackup


    attrib c:\boot\bcd -h -r -s


    ren c:\boot\bcd bcd.old


    bootrec /rebuildbcd


    if prompted to add installation to list, press y

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • gev
    gev Member Posts: 14 New User

    Smiley Happy While I was writing my resply, you edited your message. Yes it was the cloned one. bootrec /scanos with original drive shows "Total identifyed Windows installations: 1". Let me replace the drive again to do these. I shall do these with the cloned one, right?