Problem with ACPI Aspire 5810tz

TitoKhonan Member Posts: 5 New User
edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives

My laptop is an Aspire 5810tz. I install windows 7 and at the time to load the windows after instalation, practically freezes, sometimes it finaly freezes and sometimes at 20 min of loading it starts windows and it works, but when I restart it is delayed again, the only way it does not do it is when I start in Fail-safe MODE

All that started suddenly.


+ How I know what should be the ACPI? because when I open the Wifislax LiveCD does not load it, it freezes unless... I put the option #no acpi

+ In windows logs (W7), the SYSTEM log shows an error that says>


The integrated controller (EC) did not respond within the specified timeout period. This may be due to an error in the EC firmware or hardware, or improper access to the EC by the BIOS. Ask your computer manufacturer if you have an updated BIOS. In some situations, this error may cause the computer to malfunction.

+ I updated the bios with the 2 updates that appear here in ACER but with the 2 do the same

+ Happens with windows 7 32bit / 64bit also with windows XP and windows 8.1 and W10

+ In Windows XP someone recommended to me at the time of installing press F5, F7 and disable the ACPI, it install but the pc works very slow (The HDD remain in PIO MODE) and sometimes makes the same bug

+ The HDD is NEW and it does it with all i have tried(I have tried 4), all the DDR memories also (I have tried several)

+ Less the battery (it not charge, has problems) all other devices work fine

+ I have never disassembled the laptop, only the cover just below it to change the memory and the hard disk


I work on IT and i am man of God, Thank you.


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  • Trukntigger
    Trukntigger Member Posts: 256 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon

    I do not have the subclass for model but initial search says it came with Windows 7 64bit. Should I assume it worked fine prior to what ever prompted you to install Win7 again? Hard drive fail perhaps? ACPI errors always start with chipset drivers, rarely a hardware occurrence. That said the exception is in bios settings. In order for Win7 or above even it must be "ACPI" compliant. The Bios features that cause the most issues here are in power management. You basically have to turn off these features in Bios to let Windows handle it or conflicts cause the havoc you now see. Once this is done Win7 (in this case) should install then proceed with drivers, chipset first. As an aside if the hard drive is solo and SSD type do not install the Intel manager nor the drop sensor. Both will cause BSOD with SSD. (Can't say with all SSD but many so leave out, unnecessary) This should correct battery charging issue as well if it is not totally dead. Obviously I can not see options your Bios has but that's where too look.


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  • TitoKhonan
    TitoKhonan Member Posts: 5 New User

    1-The problem started with his original W7 64bit

    2- If you have FULLY readed the post you will see i use a HDD (NEW) and i have installed anothers HDD (i not use SDD)


    ¨power management. You basically have to turn off these features in Bios¨


    the Bios doasen´t have too many options to change

    +Information (Nothing to change)


      -Sistem time

      -Sistem Date

      -Quiet boot (Enabled)

      -Network Boot(enabled)

      -F12 Boot Menu(disabled)

      -D2D Recovery(enabled)

      -Sata mode (ahci)


      -Set supervisor password

      -Set Hdd password


     -(Configurate order of devices to boot) Just the order, Noting more



    Iwas looking a secret menu to change some avanced options (Ctrl+F2)(Ctrl+Alt+F1)but i din´t find it. So i can´t change any option of power Management


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  • Trukntigger
    Trukntigger Member Posts: 256 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon

    Network boot off during install. Disc2disc off. Sata on good. Be polite, I did read it. Details of why replaced unknown, information if operational before replaced, unknown. Type of install being performed (DVD/USB) unknown. Status of installation data itself unknown. As an "I T pro" you darn well know how hard it is to walk thru trouble issues over a phone alone by forums. I am just a knowledgeable user trying to figure it out given the little information I have. Whole lot different than having said pc in front of me on my desk. Advance configuration power interface (ACPI)  errors are just that, configuration errors. While windows will run in a non acpi mode it is very limited almost like safe mode. Take that there are more hardware configurations than one could count makes it harder. Most laptops lack an advanced mode in Bios, normal. When in doubt reset it to defaults. You know this. When installing Win 7 is battery in place even if you think bad? Acer has this nasty idea that batteries on laptops need to be detected to even boot on the recent systems alone be 60% plus charged for Bios updates, go figure. That one few years older may just need to be in place. Other than that I wish you luck.  Maybe a Admin here will step up. 


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  • TitoKhonan
    TitoKhonan Member Posts: 5 New User

    it looks like there is not much hope for me

    I have the original HDD, but i buyed a new one thinking that whas the problem, right now it have the original

    Memory ram it´s the original too

    +all (less the battery are operational, tested even on another computer)

    +The instalation whas performed on it´s original DVD-Drive the Windows ver to install is W7 Profeccional (ES) x64

    +on the instalation the batery it´s on it´s place

    Just imagine the laptop, just has came from the factory, with the battery bad

    btw: the laptop works even without battery


    So i´m gonna do this... tomorow i will send you an aida report of the computer so you can analice it OK? see you tomorow and thanks

  • TitoKhonan
    TitoKhonan Member Posts: 5 New User

    WAIT i will send the aida report now, please tell me if you need it and where to send it?