My Acer One 533 is giving trouble again

Jeyendra Member Posts: 11 New User
edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives

My Acer One 533 is giving trouble again, reported before. CPU booting up, screen is black. I can't see anything, cn someone tell me what is going on with this laptop, works whenever it wants to.


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer

    Yes, Jeyendra. I recall that you were having update issues that you successfully fixed.


    Has the black screen issue been random? Did it just start in the last few weeks or have you had this occasionally happen in the distant past. Also do you think that Windows is booting up even though you can't see the screen perhaps by hearing the Windows welcoming startup melody?


    Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Jeyendra
    Jeyendra Member Posts: 11 New User
    Thanks Jack, this happened in 2009 then stop using for 7 years, now it worked for few days then stopped, yes CpPU is booting up I can hear the windows loading up, the fault is on the screen I think.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer

    What's happening is that there probably is a break in one or more conductor traces of the video webcam ribbon cable. Usually happens near the hinge area from opening and closing the screen lid. Sometimes it's simply a faulty cable to begin with. Doesn't affect Windows booting except you can't see the lid screen. However, you can usually HDMI or VGA out to an external monitor to see things if you have to by using the Fn+F5 toggle key combination. As a temporary fix, try to avoid opening & closing the lid as much as possible after it happens again.


    Meanwhile, go to ebay and search the keywords --- 533 video webcam cable. Less than $5 with free shipping. Usually takes 30 days or more for delivery.


    You will need to remove the keyboard and screen bezel in order replace the ribbon cable. If you need help in how to do this simply google the keyword "aspire one 533" "disassembly" with the quotes and choose one of the videos or manuals that are listed.


    Jack E/NJ    



    Jack E/NJ

  • Jeyendra
    Jeyendra Member Posts: 11 New User

    Jack, you mean I shouldn't open and close this laptop, I did search the eBay as you suggested and found this:


    Your price looks like USD, I am in Australia, the price is different. Can you let me know which one suit the Acer one 533. Is it difficut to replace it.



  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer

    Go back to the Australian ebay site. Search for the keywords --- aspire one 533 DC02C001330. Please note you have an aspire one 533, not an acer one 533. Price is $20 AUD with free shipping.


    The hardest part will be removing the keyboard. Follow the instructions on the youtube video using the razor blade.


    Jack E/NJ 

    Jack E/NJ

  • Jeyendra
    Jeyendra Member Posts: 11 New User

    Do I need to open the screen too, or only the keyboard.

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer

    Yes. The plastic bezel surrounding the screen and hinge cover need to come off in order to access and replace the ribbon cable to the screen, videocam and mainboard. Usually 2 screws near the bottom edges of the bezel need to first be removed. They are hidden behind a circular pieces of tape near the hinges. The rest you will have to follow the youtube disassembly video. If you're uncomfortable doing this, perhaps you should ask a local PC shop how much they would charge to install it for you if you supply the new part. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ