Can't access internet. I have a acer z320 smartphone and I keep getting authenticating problem .

REBELRUDY1942 Member Posts: 7 New User


  • Mary-Acer
    Mary-Acer Acer Crew Posts: 868 Acer Crew

    This generally is not an issue with the phone itself but the wifi settings on the phone or even the router sometimes. Here is a link that has some troubleshooting steps that may be helpful:

  • dw_crash
    dw_crash Member Posts: 1 New User
    And when those don't work......what do you do?
  • Sharanji
    Sharanji ACE Posts: 4,484 Pathfinder

    If you have already performed all the steps listed in the above weblink, you may contact Acer support in your region and check for further options to fix the issue.
    Acer Canada :
    Acer Worldwide :

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    I hope this helps! If this was useful, please hit 'Yes' or 'Like'! Thanks! 😊

  • Josh11
    Josh11 Member Posts: 2 New User
    This, not a technical issue as it can be solved easily. However, there is not a certain method to fix the wifi authenticating problem or connected to wifi but internet error on smartphones. But still, there are some series of troubleshoots you can follow:
    • Verify if the wifi router has internet access.
    • Force restart your phone by pressing the power button and hold it long
    • Reset(Forget) wifi network and reconnect with wifi password
    • Reset router as DNS cache may cause the connectivity error to devices
    • Clear cache memory of the mobile
    • Update the system software if the update is available.
    • Restart the device in safe mode to see if the recent app is causing the error
    • Remove and re-add Google account (sounds stupid but it works)
    • And the final one: hard reset your mobile.
    It is recommended to restart every time you apply the methods explained here. 
    IF the problem persists, contact Acer:
    AWILLGURU Member Posts: 0 Newbie

    We have seen this problem very frequently in different communities.

    It is not a technological problem, as this can be resolved quickly. Nevertheless, there is no rule to fix the wifi authenticating problem or correlated to wifi but internet error on device. However, still, there is an excellent list of troubleshoots you can apply:

    • Clear cache and data memory, most of the time it fixes the problem
    • Check if the wifi router has an internet path.
    • Force restart your receiver by holding the power button and press it hard
    • Reset(Ignore if done) wifi system and reconnect
    • Reset router as DNS cache may cause the connectivity error to devices
    • Update the system software if the update is possible.
    • Restart the instrument in safe mode to see if the original app is creating the error
    • Switch and re-add Google account (seems crazy, but it serves)
    • Plus, the ultimate thing: hard reset your device.

    It is advised to restart each time you employ the techniques described here.

     Ref: why does my internet keep disconnecting and reconnecting

    IF the difficulty persists, reach Acer:

  • Josh11
    Josh11 Member Posts: 2 New User
    Also, don't forget to check for the MAC blocking and filter settings on your router setup page. A limited number of the allowed devices is also required to be revised on the touter setup page. Go to wifi settings on router setup screen and navigate to maximum allowed devices and change the number to something higher or unlimited.

    What Causes Wifi Authentication Error on Android?

    Well, in order to fix the problem, you need to understand it first. YOu might have noticed that even you have entered the correct wifi password and everything seems fine but still, getting the Wifi Authentication Error again and again.

    Recent device update
    Router malfunction
    Unstable network connection
    The number of users that can use the network are limited
    The device is blocked using the router configuration page

    How to Fix Wifi Authentication Error on Android?

    1. Turn Aeroplane Mode On-Off
    2. Reset The Wi-Fi Connection(Forget Network)
    3. Connect to other Wireless Network
    4. Change Advanced Wireless Network Setting.
    5. Refresh Network Settings
    6. Wipe Android Cache partition
    7. Update Device software to the latest version

  • appstatus
    appstatus Member Posts: 4 New User
    I am watching MsNBc Live news during the live match there is internet is strucked and i am shocked but i have restart my router with which the same issue is solve
  • appstatus
    appstatus Member Posts: 4 New User
    Try to click on the following link
  • AngelStranger
    AngelStranger Member Posts: 1 New User
    Acer is one of the best hardware manufacturer. The best in class products are there under the name Acer. If you are interested in reading technology related quality articles you should check out : Gadgetsglam. Gadgetsglam is one of the best website fir information, solutions on Android, iPhones, Laptops, Social media, etc. You can start with articles like How to transfer photos from Android to iPhone and others as well.
  • sabbirkhan
    sabbirkhan Member Posts: 1 New User
    There should be many issue for not connecting internet
    1. You choose wrong network settings
    2. Your APN Settings is not proper
    3. Mobile network state disconnected error
    In this situation mostly there is state disconnected error.
    you can fix it manually
    1. go to network settings
    2. select network
    3. and select automatic 
    4. restart the phone
    if your internet is still not working then backup your data and reset the phone.
  • lorenyasy
    lorenyasy Member Posts: 1 New User
    Eu tenho um aparelho da acer, porém não consigo acessar alguns sites quando estou usando o meu wifi, será que tem alguma solução. Por exemplo tentei acessar o site que fala se a ração golden é boa, mas dá erro quando estou usando minha internet wifi, pode ser problema no website ou no aparelho que não reconhece redes wifi?