Acer Iconia W510 32G Upgrade disc data

GokudoZero Member Posts: 1 New User



i got an W510 but i can't doing anything because empty space = 1Go and one giga used by Win8 itself like a yoyo probably as ram/flash.
I saw there is EMMC disc data can't be upgrade without the mothercardboard... but i'm stuck with this empty space, can't upgrade to W8.1 because no more place then can using 90% app on W-Store tell me working on 8.1 only
+ Of course there is some lag when the empty space like -1Go (sometime is 0 but nothing installed on)

oh sorry for bad english. Anyway, how i can solve my problem ? can i stock Windows or a part on MicroSD ? because a friend(repair/install/mount computer) Tried to upgrade to W10 but no stick recognize, of course we follow such instruction on internet, then i can't install win on a externalHDD


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