Liquid ZEST plus - FlipCover task info ?

the_emporium Member Posts: 61 Troubleshooter
edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives

Recently picked up an Acer Liquid Zest Plus Model T08, Part #HM.HVSAA.04, with the matching original flipcover.


Overall, very pleased with it.  However, I have 1 strange behaviour, I cannot figure out.  When the flipcover is closed, and it shows the various info through the cutout, I wonder WHERE it get's the temperature from ?  It seems to be stuck at 20ºC and no matter what, it doesn't change.


Ive enabled "location" features to ensure the included "Digital Clock and Weather" app can get a location (really would be better to offer either location setting, OR manual setting of a location.  Location settings suck battery, and often many people prefer to keep them off.  If you don't travel much, a manually entered location for weather is plenty for most). Anyhow, the launcher widget for Digital Clock and Weather on my phone DOES properly show the proper date/time/location/weather/and temprature.   Yet the temperature on the "flipcover" app is still stuck at 20ºC (68ºF).   I assume the 20ºC is the default flipcover app initialization value.


So bottom line is: WHERE does the FLIPCOVER system app (responsible for the flipcover open/close) activities , get it's temprature that it displays from ?


I've tried to clear DATA from various apps I can think of (in case of curruption), from the launcher (Acer Liquid Home), Digital Clock & Weather, FlipCover, and a few others which were probably unrelated.


Also when checking the Digital Clock and Weather app permissions, I noticed there was "Location" and "Storage" options.  Location was approved (since it asked for permission when I set it up first time), but storage was not enabled.  I went ahead and enabled it, in case it was an oversight and it maybe needed to write out the info to a file which maybe flipcover would read from, but it made no difference...


Even made a crazy assumption that it was using an internal sensor reading from the phone for ambient temperature, so I took it out on the porch (where is is presently 0ºC) and it still did not budge. Smiley Happy


Any help would be appreciated.



Best Answer

  • Jose-Acer
    Jose-Acer Administrator Posts: 1,378 Community Administrator
    Answer ✓

    Hello everyone,


    I'm sorry that the weather widget isn't showing the correct temperature when the flip cover is used.  This issue was reported to the develpment team and a system update that will be available shortly will be pushed to your devices to fix this problem.


    Thank you



  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    temperature is just the info that weather app (weather channel) pass to your smartphone; probably is an application bug that doesn't refresh the "default" value.


    i don't have other suggestions, apart contact Acer support service to ask about it or wait for an application update.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • the_emporium
    the_emporium Member Posts: 61 Troubleshooter



    That is exactly what I thought/assumed, which is why I cleared the data/cache of the various apps involved in order to ensure there wasn't any corruption due to order of initialization of the apps...  But it didn't make a difference.


    On the Zest Plus is is not weather channel app, but rather an acer specific "Digital Clock and Weather" app (same principle), which seems to use as a source.  Hopefully they fix this soon, because it is kind of pointless to have a hardcoded temprature on the flip cover display.  Kind of defeats the purpose of the flip cover display Smiley Happy



  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer
    Sorry, i meant accuweather Smiley Happy
    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • the_emporium
    the_emporium Member Posts: 61 Troubleshooter

    I just tried to contact acer support...  What a complete waste of time..  Agent kept insisting that this is an OS problem and I should take it up with google.  I would if it was a basic android feature.  But this is an acer customization to support a flipcover with a cutout which they designed.


    At the end, (s)he got frustrated, and told me to try contacting them on Monday and maybe get level 2 support, and then quickly gave me my support ID and the usual blahblah, and disconnected.


    BTW: This is the info I am talking about.

    Actual weather widget on phone says that it is -5ºC at this time, which is correct.. But display through flipcover is not Smiley Sad


    And yesterday I did a factory reset on it, just in case, I had missed something, and it made no difference.




  • philspartypants
    philspartypants Member Posts: 1 New User

    I'm having this exact same issue. I have no input to help, but am watching to see what you find out about how to fix this. You are not alone!

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    just to help Acer indentify your OS version, please post:


    build number

    image version


    (settings/about phone - scroll down)

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • the_emporium
    the_emporium Member Posts: 61 Troubleshooter



    Build number: Acer_AV0M0_T08_1.010.00_PA_GEN1

    Image Version: Acer_AV0M0_T08_RV01RC10_PA_GEN1


    App Versions:

    Digital Clock and Weather: Version 2.00.3004

    FlipCover: 3.00.0024



  • Jose-Acer
    Jose-Acer Administrator Posts: 1,378 Community Administrator
    Answer ✓

    Hello everyone,


    I'm sorry that the weather widget isn't showing the correct temperature when the flip cover is used.  This issue was reported to the develpment team and a system update that will be available shortly will be pushed to your devices to fix this problem.


    Thank you

  • the_emporium
    the_emporium Member Posts: 61 Troubleshooter



    Thanks Jose.  Much appreciated.. looking forward to it.  We are sitting at -17ºC (feels like -22ºC) today, and it was lower yesterday... So knowing the outside temp is definately a big plus in this neck of the woods Smiley Happy


    And if the fix can be installed by sideloading some apk file (to update a package or two), I can gladly test if they need.


    All the best for the holiday season


  • Redwings1
    Redwings1 Member Posts: 2 New User
    I brought this phone for the flip case but can't find it anywhere ???? can you help?
  • the_emporium
    the_emporium Member Posts: 61 Troubleshooter

    The flip case is an optional accessory as far as I know (and it is not cheap).  It was at the bottom of the box.You remove the back cover and replace it with the flip cover back.


    Only the Costco package actually includes the flip case by default as far as I know (may be others).  I know locally "staples" has the same phone sometimes on sale for $10 cheaper than costco, but it does NOT include the flip cover.



  • Redwings1
    Redwings1 Member Posts: 2 New User
    Yeah but where do u buy it?
  • the_emporium
    the_emporium Member Posts: 61 Troubleshooter



    Quick search for the part number shows that the acer part number is: HC.70211.08A

    Not sure where you are are located.


    In the UK:

    In France


    In Canada:

    Surprisingly they have 110 units in stock Smiley Happy  If you are in the US, I think they may also ship to the US.


    In Germany:


    USA, I have no idea...  Maybe some Acer support person can provide guidance.  Considering the phone doesn't even show up on web site yet, I'm not too surprised that no accessories are being sold for it yet in the USA.


    Considering it sells separately for anywhere from €20 to €35 (which is about USD$22 to USD$40), I'm not sure it is really worth it as a separate item.  But to each his/her own.


    Maybe ask store you bought the phone from, if they can special order the cover (using acer part number above) 

    Otherwise, you can try calling your local acer service center (wherever you are), and see if they can get you one.


    Good luck..


  • the_emporium
    the_emporium Member Posts: 61 Troubleshooter

    Update available as of Today seems to fix the Flip cover weather/temprature issue..




  • patoche2010
    patoche2010 Member Posts: 6 New User

    thank you , where do you get the update to fix that problem? thanks

  • the_emporium
    the_emporium Member Posts: 61 Troubleshooter

    patoche2010 wrote:

    thank you , where do you get the update to fix that problem? thanks

    It was an Over the Air system update which was made available as of Feb 6 or 7th.

    You can check if there are any updates available manually, by going into settings->About Phone->System Updates and then select "check now".


    You know you have the latest installed if in the "About Phone" screen, your "Android Security Patch level" is December 5, 2016 or later  (Varies by region - some regions have even more recent patches).



  • patoche2010
    patoche2010 Member Posts: 6 New User

    thanks for your answer, my security patch level says august 5 2016 but my system updates says it is up to date, i'm in canada, do you think it's because of my location?

  • the_emporium
    the_emporium Member Posts: 61 Troubleshooter

    OK, so Aug 2016 was the original firmware I had, so for sure you don't have the update.


    I'm in Canada also (QC), and I have 3 of these phones and they all got the update with no issue (after manually checking).  I got them from Costco just before the holidays.   So location is definately NOT the problem.


    Try turning off any CELL data, and just connect to WiFi and try again.   Maybe something with background data is restricting it...  Maybe even remove the SIM card to ensure it is not cell data trying to take precedence.


    I hate to say it, but if that doesn't work, I'd suggest a factory reset, in case something is interfering with the update.  Unless someone else has any suggestions.


  • patoche2010
    patoche2010 Member Posts: 6 New User

    ok i will try that, i got it from costco QC too, so it should work like yours, i will let you know, i appreciate your help.

  • patoche2010
    patoche2010 Member Posts: 6 New User

    shutting off cell data don't work for me. i'm not willing to reset factory my phone lol, is there a way i can download the update thru a website (maybe acer) and plug my phone to my laptop with usb to do the update? 

    Also when i put 2 sim cards in it, it dosent work, only one sim card works, i have to switch manually from one to the other, have heard about that problem. the 2 sim cards are from telus and they work properly. i try everything, switch them around...maybe it's false advertising from Acer and dual sim cards phone, what's your take on that? thanks