Can't get t272hul to display at high resolution
I can't display at the 2560 x 1440 resolution on my T272HUL monitor--Windows 10 settings only lets me select up to 1920 x 1080. I'm using the hi-res DVI cable that came with the unit. Have searched many boards with and haven't found an answer yet. Thanks for any help.
Best Answer
Seems this was a combination of problems, and I fixed the main problem by replacing the cable. Thanks for watching.
Additional information:
I'm running Windows 10 on a Surface Pro 4.
Several web sites refer me to the Intel control panel, but I can't find it on my system.
When I right-click on my desktop, the Graphics options do not appear.
I tried uninstalling Intel graphics drivers, and then I rebooted to re-install the drivers.
When I right-click on the desktop, there are the Graphics options!
I start using the Intel Control Panel, and it crashes. Screen goes black, and when it comes back, those Graphics options are gone.
I repeated this twice with the same results.
Any ideas? Many thanks.
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Another update:
Fixed the problem with the Intel driver by adapting the steps here:
However, adding the custom resolution in the Intel control panel didn't solve it--I can't get a setting at 2560 x 1440 that both the Intel app and the monitor will support (monitor says "Input Not Supported."
Chatted with Acer customer support. They said that if I am using the cable that came with the system, that's not good enough--I need to get a cable with higher bandwidth. Are they kidding me or what?
So here's how I could still use some help:
Anyone else having trouble using this monitor with a Surface?
Is there a way to add a custom resolution setting using the Intel Control Panel--is that the answer?
Is the cable thing for real?
Thanks in advance for your help.
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Seems this was a combination of problems, and I fixed the main problem by replacing the cable. Thanks for watching.