Original Acer Predator Wallpaper All Resolution

glutton Member Posts: 1 New User

Hello everybody~, I'm new to this community. 


I'm not too sure which location to put this post under.

As the title says it all. I'm looking for the original wallpaper used for Acer Predator series Monitor promotion. 

I'm personally looking for 2560x1440p, using a XB271HU monitor. Not too sure what's the aspect ratio, think is 16x9? Not too sure what's that too. 


If I can maybe have the other resolution for other model such as the X34 and Z35 and etc. That would be pretty sweet and potentially help those who are looking for it too. I found some that manage to fit into my resolution but it looks super grainy and it was just not as awesome as those displays in the store with that beautiful wallpaper.


PS: Pardon my bad english and no idea what I'm talking about the ratio thingy.
