Dirt inside laptop screen

kim2311 Member Posts: 22 New User

Long story short my screen have small dirts, some dirts has been removed without doing anything on it an some remains. Though it's small it is still annoying, i dont even know why it goes there.


  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer

    I don't think it's dirt as these screens are assembled in a dust free environment, it could be the dead pixels, I would suggest you to ignore it, when it becomes intolerable just replace the screen.

  • kim2311
    kim2311 Member Posts: 22 New User

    Sorry for my late reply Smiley Happy actually it was a bit bigger at first then suddenly gone and replace by much smaller of it. If its a dead pixel how can i fix it? What is the cause of it?

  • kim2311
    kim2311 Member Posts: 22 New User

    Do applying pressure using tip of pencil's eraser works? or using some software that changes color fast? i need some advice especially to the pressure thingy.

  • kim2311
    kim2311 Member Posts: 22 New User

    Hey i'm starting to worry because just today another dead small pixel appeared on my screen.