Confusing aspect ratio spec of the Predator X34.

nomadion Member Posts: 2 New User

Could anyone, please explain, why technical spec of the Predator X34 says its aspect ratio is 16:9, with resolution suggesting ultra wideness (3440x1440) and everybody on the Internet saying in various reviews that it is actually 21:9? What is it then, a typo on the manufacturer site?


  • Vandragorax
    Vandragorax Member Posts: 124 Die Hard WiFi Icon

    Yes it's an oversight on Acer's website, in all language versions, which hasn't been corrected.  It is of course 21:9 as it is 3440x1440.


    One would think they'd get it right, as it's their own product, but apparently not Smiley Tongue  (btw those pages have been up for months before the actual release, so I think half of the details were copy/pasted from a default and have just never been changed).

  • nomadion
    nomadion Member Posts: 2 New User

    Thanks, that was my understanding. Now, I just need to find a justification for spending that much money on a monitor... Smiley Wink

  • Jose-Acer
    Jose-Acer Administrator Posts: 1,378 Community Administrator

    Thank you for pointing this out.  I have forwarded this information to the appropriate department so that it can be fixed as the correct aspect ratio on this monitor is indeed 21:9.