Aspire Z3-715 - compatibility for M.2 SSD ?

Filipo1 Member Posts: 8


I just bought the Aspire Z3-715 and consider to upgrade the c drive to an SSD. In another thread I read a comment that the mainboard is compatible to an M.2 SSD (so that the original hdd can be retained in the computer as secondary data storage)
However, on the Intel website I saw that not every board with the h110 express chipset can accomodate an M. 2 SSD? Since there seem to be several sumodels of the Z3-715 I'd like to reconfirm the upgradability.

This is the Model description from the Seller:
ACER Aspire Z3-715-644G1T23MGi/T001 - i5-6400T/4GB/1TB/GF940 2G/W.10/23" (Silver)

Can someone confirm that an upgrade with for example the Transcend M.2 SSD SATA III 6Gb/s MTS400 256GB would be possible?

Thanks in advance!


  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,402 Trailblazer



    As your motherboard is equipped with one M.2 SATA connector, you'll be able to install a SSD. I suggest you MST800 (22x80mm) instead of MST400 (22x42mm). According the specifications, it is also compatible with SSD M.2 2242 but I don't see the fixing. This connector is located on the hidden side of motherboard. Same picture as the other topic and same screw dimensions to fix it.


    FYI, here is your motherboard:

  • Filipo1
    Filipo1 Member Posts: 8


    Thanks for the advice!


    I have now the correct SDD ready (crucial MX200 250GB M.2 type 2280). However, I am failing to create the Recovery Drive.

    If I activate 'Back up system files to the recovery drive' I am getting an error message even before selecting a USB driv: "We can't create the recovery drive - A problem occured while creating the recovery drive"


    It seems there are no recovery/system files on this model? I assume without the system files I am not able to install Windows on the new SSD...


    Any idea how to get the recovery drive in a different way?


    thank you in advance!

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,402 Trailblazer



    1. Have you access to the boot manager using [F12] when you start your AIO and see the Acer logo?
    2. Did you proceed like this to create the Acer recovery media?
  • Filipo1
    Filipo1 Member Posts: 8


    1.Have you access to the boot manager using [F12] when you start your AIO and see the Acer logo?

    --> Yes



    2. Did you proceed like this to create the Acer recovery media?

    --> Yes, but it does not work when I tick 'backup system files ...' , only without the tick. Then I however have no Windows copy.

    I was thinking to create a System image with the normal windows tools. Probably the same?


    thank you!



  • Filipo1
    Filipo1 Member Posts: 8


    update: After Windows made a longer upgrade today, it suddenly worked with the recovery media...

    I will now try to install the SSD.

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,402 Trailblazer



    Hmmm Windows and its mysteries.

  • sdruws
    sdruws Member Posts: 35 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    Dear friend :


    I purchased the same Acer AOL Z3-715 than you and I followed your dialog with Laurent.

    I installed the SSD in the available slot, keeping the HD as second storage unit.

    Same than you, I had doubts about how to make SSD my boot C drive and my HD as storage D drive.

    Laurent suggested me to contact you because apparently you got the track to get it done without touch the hardware, as many “experts “ suggested me, to get their money.

    Now I have a 16 GB pen drive loaded with the factory recover.

    My questions :

    1. Have I to directly download the SSD with the recovery copy of the pen drive ?
    2. After have it done, how can I customize the BIOS modifiyng the load drives so that SSD will be the boot Drive ?
    3. Do I have to format the HD which now useless before alter the BIOS ?


    I was under the impression that best solution should be making the SSD a clone of HDD. But if you had the same good results I rather prefer to follow your track and experience.


    I appreciate your good willing to guide me the same way your got soma objective i.e. a fast operation of SSD.






  • sdruws
    sdruws Member Posts: 35 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    Just a doubt :


    When you downloaded all the factory files from the computer to pendrive ( the only way ) as indicated by Laurent, all three partitions which are, just as an exemple, 500mb healthy ( recovery partition) .........260mb healthy (EFI system partition) and windows (c 476.18gb NTFS healthy were in reality in penderive ?

    If not, I am fearimng that sistem will not recognize the SSD drive for boointg .

    Am I wrong ???





  • Filipo1
    Filipo1 Member Posts: 8


    I finally got the M.2 SSD up and running. It is now the primary boot drive with Windows on it and the pc starts within seconds :-), RAM is also upgraded to 16 GB.

    The old HDD is still connected and serves as a normal data storage drive.


    The Recovery Drive somehow did not work for me when the SSD was connected, so I decided to clone the old HDD to the SSD. I used Macrium Reflect (free version) and after that it worked perfectly. In Macrium Reflect you need to delete all existing partitions from the SSD first and then drag the HDD's partitions to the SSD - except for the DATA part (later on the old HDD will become your DATA part). You can not just click clone, as the SSD is smaller than the HDD. When dragging the partitions down to the SSD, you can resize the partitions to fit best on your SSD (probably smaller thean the HDD) and to make the most out of the available space for the Windows part.


    After that I restarted a couple of times without the Data cable of the old HDD connected (just pull it out). Not sure whether that is even required. Anyway, after that I connected it again, no problems during start up (I think Bios automatically recognizes the SSD as the first boot priority (but you may want to check with F12, which boot partition is selected). At last, with both disks connected and windows booted from the SSD, I used DISKPART on the black console to clean the old HDD, then formatted it with Disk Management (which was not working without cleaning the old partitions with DISKPART first).


    There was no manual change in the BIOS required. If there is any change, it was done automatically (on restart I had to confirm a change in settings).


    Installing the SSD in the M.2 slot however was the most tricky part. As Laurent_14 correctly stated, it is hidden on the back of the mainboard. Getting there is not for the fainthearted I would say, as you need to pull a lot of cables and unscrew the whole thing. I was not dare to pull all cables (some seemed fragile - I was afraid to pull the cable, not only the plug), so I could only lift it up a bit - just enough to fumble the SSD in its slot. I was not able to fix it with the screw. The missing screw is however not an issue I believe, as the whole case is quite fitting and is holding the ssd in place, once the mainboard is fixed to the case again.


    All in all, it took some time, but I think it was worth it, considering how fast it is now.



    Thanks for the help and suggestions, Laurent_14!







  • sdruws
    sdruws Member Posts: 35 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    Dear Filipo :

    First, I thank you for the time you spent with me with your reply.

    Just for your guidance I am a naïve in sophisticated soft wares and, as a consequence, to give a step ahead, I am highly careful in order not to mess up with my equipment and have to give two steps back.

    By the way I am almost 80ty … old school !!!

    One subject I fully agree with you : Laurent is a fantastic teacher and expert.

    However, as you had similar unit and initial similar doubts than me, he rather prefered to forward me to you…

    Should you have time and patience to deal with me, here below I disclose my situation and further problems :

    1. I have the HDD untouched so far.
    2. I had the HDD installed in its respective slot.
    3. So I have 2 storage units.
    4. I downloaded the Macrium Free as indicated by you… and got stuck with its screen.
    5. In the pic I am sending you, please clarify me about the software screen :

    Filipo 3.jpg


    AAA. I have six rules there.

    BBB. The upper two belongs to SSD ( fully empty ), I guess

    CCC. The  below ones belong to HHD.

    DDD. You said that I must drag all HDD partitions, except for the DATAPART, where all programs are sit. Understood and ready to go on, but …….

    EEE. Which of four rules is the DATAPART, which temporary shall remain in the HDD ?

    FFF. Further to that, I suppose I must try boot the computer to see if computer runs, checking the system already transferred from HDD to SSD. I must do this some 10 times, for example, to be assured that all transfer was dully succeeded.

    GGG. In sequence, I must clone DATAPART to SSD.

    HHH. I don’t need to care about size of SSD partitions as my SSD have only the system.

    III. Its balance space is enough to accommodate the rest of HDD partitions.

    JJJ. Finally I format the HDD, to be considered as a storage partition only, with initially noting on it.



    With this procedure I do not have to open the computer and touch the hardware which I fear too much.

    As you see, I am a very detailed man, most due to my ignorance.

    Should you have a spare time, please take one minute ( ??? ) to correct me, as I am sure something is wrong in my assertive.

    No need to say I appreciate your outstanding assistance and help



  • Filipo1
    Filipo1 Member Posts: 8


    Hi Solon.


    First, you need to click on 'clone this disk', then another window will open.

    In that window, make sure that your source disk is the HDD, and the destination disk is the SSD.


    Then click on 'delete existing partitions' on destination disk (SSD).

    Now you can just drag the 4 partitions of your HDD down on the SSD. It seems that you don't have a DATA partition, your ACER partition is the largest one. So in your case, drag all 4 (i had 5 and omitted the DATA part)


    It will automatically resize your Acer partition on the SSD, as the SSD is smaller. If necessary, you can change the sizes manually, but I guess it will be fine (I would not alter the sizes of the other 3 partitions except ACER, but if there is unused space, try to make ACER as big as possible).


    Then click next and follow through.


    Upon startup, you may have to press F12 to selct the SSD as boot drive.



    hope this will work for you.

  • sdruws
    sdruws Member Posts: 35 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    Ola Filipo :


    Your clean cut direction made everything easy to me.

    Commenting further.

    So far I did not format the HDD. It is exactly how it came from factory.

    I noted that after the first brief screen upon turn on the computer, there is a time lag of “immense“ 35 seconds for the SSD finishes to load.

    Is yours likewise ??

    During this time, the round turning circle of white points stays static and not turning.

    Does this happen due to the system partition still exist in the HDD with computer trying to access it, even against the boot order ?

    In reality I did not find the SSD so speedy …

    Thanks for guidance which makes my computer enjoyable in full now.



  • Filipo1
    Filipo1 Member Posts: 8


    Glad that it worked with the cloning.
    I do not have such time lag, my pc starts really within seconds..
    Are you sure it is booting from the SSD? Did you check and select it upon start with F12?

    Maybe you really need to pull the data plug once, so that the SSD is recognized as the only drive.
    Alternatively, format the HDD to remove the boot sector there to avoid confusion.
  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,402 Trailblazer

    Hi Filipo1,


    Just a little message, you are a good teacher!Smiley WinkSmiley Very Happy

    I think it was the best way to solve the Solon's issue as you own the same AOI.

    You have the spirit of community.

    Thanks for Solon,

