V3-574G-75M4 - VGA issues.

icetray Member Posts: 1 New User

Greetings everyone!

  I have always been an ACER user! (except for the time I used a VIAO which was forced upon me)

I just got my V3-574G-75M4 two days back and I have not installed any games, I dont plan to play games. The only big programe I have installed is Photoshop CC. When I installed it I got a graphic card error notice, then for some reason it just disappeared. I went on to update NVDIA.

Then I started noticing a problem while I was using firefox. It keeps crashing, or sometimes it freezes and I have to press ALT+CTRL+DELETE to force the Firefox to close. When it does that, some of the icons in windows start does not appear, all I can see are few colourful boxes. I have taken the pic of one of the issues while using youtube (using firefox) I have attached a link containing two pictures to explain the problem. In the first pic you can see how it looks when everything is working normally, in the second pic you can how it looks when there is a problem, you can see that there are lots of stuffs missing in the second pic. http://imgur.com/a/wSABA . This should make few experts here understand what exactly is the problem. I have updated java and I reinstalled new VGA driver and yet I have this problem.

Thanks for helping me out!




  • sharky25k
    sharky25k Member Posts: 473 Skilled Practitioner WiFi Icon



    Your computer has two graphics chips. One is Nvidia and one is intel (i think Intel HD graphics 5500).

    Did you update both of the drivers?

    Check if you have the problem when running firefox on your dedicated GPU (not the intel one).

    To do this right click on nvidia icon in taskbar and select open Nvidia control panel and on the right side go to manage 3D settings. Here select firefox (or other browser which you use) and at prefered graphics processor select the High performance Nvidia processor.

    Apply the settings and restart firefox and see if the problem persists.


    If the problem dissapears after this, you should update your intel HD graphics drivers.