Acer Aspire One D255 Very Slow

quovadisuk Member Posts: 22 New User

I dont know if this nis the right forum as there are no drop options for Aspire One units ??? any ideas ??

Anyway have had this laptop for some time ,and quite like it , but uit is very slow ... I have up=graded the ram to 2mb but this doesnt seen to have had any effect .. Its as if something is running in the back ground but when I check the percentages are so low or neglible that it appears nothing is running , yet when I look at the activity hd light on the freont is always on and never fl8ickers unless I start the unit.... To me it seems if there is not enough memory to the video raM , but I am not sure this is possible ... but slow it remains ...I am running windows 7 ultimate and am showing a windows index performance of 2 . The model is a AOD255 Intel Atom CPU N550 1.5 GHZ  32 BIT


Any ideas to speed up or resolve ? .... I was going to factory reset the unit , but I do have a licenced copy of Office that I dont want to loose as I dont have the original cd and licence number now , so reluctant to take this route if there is another option


If this is the wrong forum , could a moderoter repost please ? kind regards Paul


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    >>>when I check the percentages are so low or neglible that it appears nothing is running >>>


    Is this result from task mgr? If not, check all processes in task mgr and note any that seem to be consuming a lot of cpu resources.


    Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • quovadisuk
    quovadisuk Member Posts: 22 New User

    yes , task manager shows very low usage on anything


    kind regards

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    What disk usage does performance monitor show? What disk fragmentation does the defragmenter tool show?


    Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • DumpTrump
    DumpTrump Member Posts: 1 New User



    If you haven't upgraded to 2GB of  RAM  you must.  This makes a huge difference.  Next, upgrade to Windows 10.  Che3ck CNET for a way to still get it for free.  You must also upgrade to a Solid State Drive (SSD) with read and write speeds over 400 MB/s.  Then you will have a very nice computer.  Windows 10 is much lighter OS than is Windows 7.  Win7 is a swlow dog.



  • padgett
    padgett ACE Posts: 4,532 Pathfinder

    Am running 1607 on an Aspire One 532h. N450 cpu, 2gb RAM, and not the fastest machine, primarily on loading programs but ok once loaded.