Flash BIOS - AO721-142ki

Ucitylek Member Posts: 3 New User
edited March 2023 in 2016 Archives



when I power on the device, everything looks like the computer is working but the screen remains black. I googled something like black screen of death. People solved this problem by flashing BIOS by using USB drive. Unfortunately, I did not find how to flash BIOS from the cold start on my model - AO721.


Can u help, please?


Thank you.


  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer


    AO721 black screen


    first result

    Acer AO721 Powers Up but Nothing Shows on the Screen


    follow his instructions

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • Ucitylek
    Ucitylek Member Posts: 3 New User

    Hi, thanks, but I ve read this before.

    First problem appeared when the link for Crisis Package Source was no longer working so I had to find it somewhere else. I did and managed to start it on Win10 with XP SP3 compatibility mode.

    At first step I had to make some improvization because wincrisis kept telling me I don t have needed files. The improvization was about renaming .wph file in DOS folder of Acer BIOS package to BIOS.wph and copying it to wincrisis folder (this was not written in the first step). Then it worked and I got USB drive with BIOS.WPHMINIDOS.SYS and PHLASH16.EXE.

    Step 2 was not working at all. I plugged USB drive to Acer. 

    Atempt 1) I pressed Fn+Esc and power button for a few secs. Acer powered on but powered off after one sec.

    Atempt 2) I pressed Fn+Esc and power button but while the computer powered on I stopped pressing power button and kept pressing only Fn+Esc for maybe 30 secs. Then I waited for 10 minutes and nothing happened. Even the USB drive was not blinking.

    So I tried Step 3 - renamed JV10N118.exe to JV10N118.fd, copied it to USB drive root and tried those Fn+Esc procedures above.

    Still the same Smiley Sad


    Thank you for understanding.

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    i don't have other ideas.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • Snebarekim
    Snebarekim Member Posts: 2 New User

    I know this is an old message, but I found it when i needed help.


    I did the same steps you did, but created the crisis disk on an old notebook running XP, and it worked fine. Brought my black screen Acer Aspre back to life!


    I dont think a machine running 7, 8, or 10 in compatability mode will work for creating a proper disk.

  • Ucitylek
    Ucitylek Member Posts: 3 New User
    I am happy you solved the problem :-)
    I have already asked for assistance at service where they offered me repair by changing motherboard for about 150 USD which I have not been willing to pay.
    Do you think you could send me a link to download the files that helped you so I try it again by your way?
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 44,837 Trailblazer

    Have you ever tried to HDMI out to a TV on a cold boot just in case the black screen is due to some issue other than the BIOS firmware? You might have to turn the TV screen on with the Fn+F5 toggle key combo? Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ