PRECISE specs for power adapter & battery voltage?

nobody Member Posts: 1 New User

I have an old Acer laptop with a dead aftermarket power adapter and a dead aftermarket battery.

The power supply plug fits. Outer ring seems to be 5.5mm. Inner ring is either 1.7mm, 2.1mm, or 2.5mm; but I don't have a sufficiently precise measuring instrument to acertain which.

The power supply is undersized (not rated for sufficient current); the person who bought same obviously didn't know what he was doing. So I can't trust this battery's voltage, either; for all I know, the dead battery I have never worked with this unit (maybe it even works, but is rejected due to being wrong voltage!).

Acer is absolutely horrid at providing tech specs. I have downloaded every manual I can find. I have spent hours searching the web without finding info which is both *precise* and *reliable*. I've also tried typing the model number in at Acer's online store. (By the way, Acer North America doesn't even list a battery for this five-year-old laptop. Nice way to twist people's arms into buying new ones!)

I am not looking for somebody to tell the specs on my laptop; rather, I am asking where I can download a DETAILED spec sheet.

P.S., after this experience, I feel like I never want to buy new Acer kit. But maybe I will change my mind if there's a hidden trove of technical information which is somehow missed by both navigation and every search engine I have tried.

[Edit: Changed subject line to avoid ellipsis in message list. Also reformatted. This forum software is awful.]


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