Windows 10 Upgrade

dickrsd Member Posts: 7 New User

I'm a new Acer owner/user - ID dickrsd, with new Acer Aspire Switch 10 E SW3-013-155J 2 in 1.
I bought it from Microsoft Store Online on 3/16/16, and received it on 3/22/16.
It came with 2gb ram & 64gb memory. Installed OS is Windows 8.1 with Bing, 32 bit.
After making sure it works ok on 8.1 for a few days, and having Acer and Microsoft updates
current, I began the free Windows 10 upgrade. After about an hour, during auto reboot,
I see message "driver_power_state_failure". It then restores previous Windows 8.1 OS.
Then, after back on 8.1 & working ok, Windows Update window shows:
"error code c1900101-40017" - also saw "c1900101-30017" on 2nd attempt.
Still not seeing any obvious cause. I used Acer Care Center app to check out pc - seems ok.
Then, I looked online for help with error code and/or driver failure msg.
Based on search results, I ran System File Checker - "SFC /scannow" from Admin CMD Prompt - tok.
Next, I tried Windows 10 update from Micrsoft help link:
No help or change. I've stayed with Acer and Microsoft search/help links.
I've done 4 other upgrades to Windows 10 without any problems - on a notebook & tablet
from Windows 8.1, and on a laptop & netbook from Windows 7. So, i'm at least somewhat familiar
and comfortable with the process. Not that that's helping me much here.
I really like this Acer 2 in 1 pc, and want to get it upgraded to Windows 10.
But, I'm not inclined to spend much more time fighting this problem on a new pc.
I am willing to try whatever you suggest before giving up and returning it.
Before sending the above to Acer Users Community or returning the pc, I tried the following:
After trying Windows 10 upgrade 3 times unsucessfully, I ran SFC /scannow 3 times in a row per
the help info, even though it was tok each time. Then, I started the upgrade process again, and
went to bed. When I got up and checked this pc, the screen was displaying "Welcome To Windows 10". 
Crazy digital technology! Was a bit in a register set wrong or what? Power resets didn't help.
Did multiple SFC's clear/fix? Whatever, it seems to be running fine now on Windows 10.
I'll remember this SFC /scannow cmd for future reference. Aspirin, persistance, and luck helped too.
As I said this Acer 2 in 1 is a really nice tablet/pc configured with features I want.



  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,554 Trailblazer

    I've seen similar symptoms when there was an update missed in the 8.1 OS... Maybe it just got the last update done while you were trying all that.

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  • dickrsd
    dickrsd Member Posts: 7 New User

    That could be. I did Microsoft and Acer updates before starting 1st upgrade. I also did updates before retrying the upgrade. Only thing I did different before upgrade that succeeded was to run the SFC /scannow cmd 3 times before starting the upgrade the time it completed ok. I've always tried to keep my devices software/firmware up to date.

    Whatever caused it to finally work, I'm relieved it's done. Thanks for your suggestion. These user communities are a very good thing. It's nice to be able to bounce ideas around with other users who care about this technology.