Acer Chromebook CB11 randomly turns off and on

Desertshores Member Posts: 5


I have a new Brother wireless Cloud Ready printer it connected wirelessly to My Netgear N900 wireless router.  It serves a Dell laptop with Windows 10,  Acer C710 and C720  Chromebooks, Apple IPad Air, and 3 Android cell phones.  

The printer works flawlessly from the Dell and IPad Air even if the printer is in sleep mode.  The printer wakes up and prints in a few seconds.

The problem is with the Chromebooks and Android phone using Google Cloud Print.

When the printer goes into sleep mode (not deep sleep, as I have turned that mode off) the Dell and Ipad see the printer as ready and will print to it.  The Chromebooks and Androids say the printer is offline.  If I print something from the Dell or IPad, the printer wakes up and prints.   At this time the Chromebooks see the printer as “ready" and will print anything in the que and will continue to work until the printer goes into sleep mode.  The Cloud devices are all logged into the same Google account and the printer is registered on Google Chrome Cloud print.  Why won't the Cloud devices wake up the printer?


  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,554 Trailblazer

    I'm guessing that because the cloud devices are going through a third, off site, party that they don't have the ability to send a WoL (Wake on LAN) packet to tell the printer to start listening for data. The local devices can. I don't know if it's a limitation of cloud services in general, only of Googles print service, or it's your router that's blocking...

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