k242HQK no OSD/Menu

abc1 Member Posts: 2 New User

I've just purchased this monitor, two of them in fact, and my initial impressions are less than impressed. Ignoring the arguably chic "retro" dated ugly design and useless user manual(seriously? a 36 page manual with 2 pages of instruction??). I got this 4k monitor for a good price, however serving as a desktop ornament it would represent terrible value and is less useful than the pot plant sat next to it.


The monitor powers on then slowly cycles through all input types to find which is connected, displayport, hdmi, dvi...(btw this is simply a shoddily awful implemention of an "autodetect" feature and may quickly become another reason to return this unit)... if it fails to find a connection OR if no signal is detected it then politely informs you before entering power saving. However the button for the OSD/Menu does not function... in fact none of the 5 clunky buttons seem to respond other than the power button which wakes the unit up so it can slowly cycle through it's inputs again! Infuriating. The only way I can prompt a response from any of these buttons is in the half second lull between input device detection cycle.


Now I suspect I need to turn a factory defaulted/enabled displayport setting from 1.2 to 1.1. To get this monitor to accept a signal from my device. I can not do this if the menu does not display in any usable state.


I am using this pot plant... I mean monitor with a Macbook Pro. Not that that should make a difference. I do not have access to any other device. Please can you assist?... before I fill out my return card. thanks


Also worth mentioning. I am a power user otherwise more commonly known as the Lesser-spotted geek, so you don't need to spoon feed me. thanks.


  • Cory-Acer
    Cory-Acer Administrator Posts: 1,449 Community Administrator

    Hi abc1,


    I have to admit, throwing a Mac into the middle of this causes issues for me as I'm don't know enough about them, but I do hear issues frequently with regards to the way Mac's handle external monitors and the way they handle scaling and a few other features. It's clearly not always, and there are a lot of variables here, I'm just stating my unfamiliarity.


    I also have to feel like there is a configuration issue somewhere in your setup as the chances of both monitors just being 'bad' is not very likely. I took a look, and I don't see any need or even the option to change from DP 1.2 to 1.1 in the OSD. I know you said you don't have another device, but I'd really like to see what happens if we could find one Windows desktop to connect this montior to.



  • abc1
    abc1 Member Posts: 2 New User

    Hi Cory, thank you for your reply.


    I got there in the end... albeit... with a little help from my PS4 which I requisitioned after an eureka moment and promptly plugged into the display. Much to my satisfaction this finally allowed me to access the OSD/Menu. So Just to confirm in case anyone else has this issue.


    1. Indeed, this macbook(not being thunderbolt and slightly long in the tooth) needed the displayport protocol reverted from 1.2 to 1.1.
    2. The OSD/Menu WILL NOT display unless a connection and a signal is picked up by the monitor.


    ...Which is kind of at odds.

    You need to access the menu to provide a signal. You can not access the menu without a signal.


    It's a simple fix really. Permit the OSD/Menu to function in this 'limbo' mode so the monitor can be configured; never encountered a manufacturer/device that disables such core functionality tbh :/