Acer Aspire 2nd monitor option no longer works. CRASH!!!

Technoboy Member Posts: 14


Greetings, question for the team: Has anyone been using their Acer Aspire to run a second screen? I was using mine for Netflix, running an HDMI cord to my 55" and it worked great. One day it stopped. Now my Aspire crashes if I plug in an HDMI cord, it even crashed if I go into "Project" and select any option using a second screen. I restored factory defaults, I upgraded to Windows 10. I've tried everything I can think of but it appears something failed on my computer. When I look for the HDMI port the computer doesn't even show that there is on in the system. I am guessing something failed. Any ideas?





  • RevoMaxx
    RevoMaxx ACE Posts: 458 Pioneer

    I am running 2 monitors on my Systems running Windows 10. Even with the new update to Windows 10586 the dual setup works! 


    What computer are you having problems with... 


    Also have you tried to update your Graphics Drivers for your system? It could be with the Update MS put in a Generic Driver and maybe it don't work with that driver!


    Please reply with your system and like if you have any upgrades to the system like Ram or NEW GPU



  • Technoboy
    Technoboy Member Posts: 14


    Acer Aspire E5-511


    All stock updates offered by Acer and Windows. What graphics driver should I be running?

  • RevoMaxx
    RevoMaxx ACE Posts: 458 Pioneer

    That is odd.... 


    You culd try and dl the Intel Drivers from Acers page. If you are running the Intel GPU. Some may have a different one and both are on the Win 10 Drivers DL page here...;-;Aspire%20E5-511


    It could be that you may need to click on your desktop and turn on the second display in your display options as well. It could also be in a Short cut set of Keys on your Keyboard as well... 


    Hope this Helps



    EDIT: PS as an option if that Driver for Win10 don't work. maybe and I say Maybe try going back to your Win 8 driver. That you can also find at the link above just have to pick Win8 as your Windows that you running for the 8 drivers to show up on the list... :End Edit

  • Technoboy
    Technoboy Member Posts: 14


    Great suggestions. I have tried turnng on a second monitor 3 different ways and they all cause my computer to crash. I have updated and bacl dated the graphics driver with no luck. Even if I plug an hdmi cable into the port my screen goes black. Sad to say but I think the quality of these Acer machines and the support Acer provides is just sub par. Seems like if you want a good reliable computer you need to go with a Dell or an Apple.


    I hope someone from Acer reads this and they step up their support. There is no way a computer that is only months old should start failing already. Same with my Acer tablet A3-A10, it is less than 2 years old and there is no O.S. available now that it is starting to become unusable. Very poor Acer, I honestly had expected better.


    Who knows maybe Acer will read this and step up and help me fix their products or maybe I will just have to buy better products going forward and warn people not to buy Acer as they only last a few months?????



  • Technoboy
    Technoboy Member Posts: 14


     little help!


    Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?


    Would be nice if an Acer technician answered with an easy fix. Expensive computer to start falling aprt and breaking down so quickly. It was purchased to be our streaming video engine for our flatscreen so no HDMI or 2nd monitor also means no TV from this laptop, no netflix, not a great user experience.


    Please help me Acer,.... you are my only hope. (A little Star Wars Humour!) But really,.. please help.



  • Technoboy
    Technoboy Member Posts: 14


    Ok, here is another piece of information. The laptop can project to my netgear Widi box so it does not appear to be software related. As a layman I believe the HDMI port has failed.


    As this is a very new computer will Acer repair this and how do I get it fixed? Come on Acer step up for the the people who are paying for your products. I want to tell everyone how great you have been. What do you say?



  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    what's your laptop model?


    have you tried another HDMI cable?

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • Technoboy
    Technoboy Member Posts: 14


    Yes, multiple cables and different TVs tried.


    Aspire E5-511 I believe. It is listed in the opening post.



  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    got it!


    by the way, i really suspect an hardware issue; so i can suggest you to give Acer support service a call.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • Cory-Acer
    Cory-Acer Administrator Posts: 1,449 Community Administrator

    Just chiming in, I agree with Ironfly and suspect that there is an issue with the HDMI port on the computer based on the troubleshooting that has already done. Something is causing an electrical problem or failure that is crashing your system.


    Hope this helps,

  • Technoboy
    Technoboy Member Posts: 14


    You are likely right. Can't believe a new machine just months old would be failing so soon.


    So disappointing. Will be sure to share this with my Facebook and LinkedIn groups to suggest they purchase better quality machines.



  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    i don't care to defend Acer but.....even Ferrari, Porsche or nearly every luxury car can broke/fault after few days. Smiley Happy

    I'm not an Acer employee.