number look

webboy Member Posts: 3 New User

Windows 8

Acer  E1-532-4694


We have problem with a laptop computer where the number lock only works with cursor keys ,


the keypad is not embed on the laptop  computer and is on the right hand side


For example if we press the number lock and then press a numbers the do not display


We have tried as said (using the shift key) or using the Fn key  then pressing  numbers and it still dose not work


is this a bios issue or a widows 8 issue ?

OS Not a update of windows 8 , bought as it


  • Tommy-Acer
    Tommy-Acer VIP Posts: 6,317 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    We are unaware of a specific issue with the Num-lock key.


    Please let us know the part number of your system so that we can attempt to verify.


    Could you please describe any messages or errors that you are receiving? 

    When did you first experience the problem?

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