extreme / normal /off setting on my new XG270HU

Crash_of_43 Member Posts: 5 New User
edited February 2024 in 2020 Archives

I have a new XG270UH and i cant find any infomation on these settings.."extreme normal and off"....what are they for and what do they do?.......I sure am not running a card that meets the "Auto Sync" feature yet......but i hope to before long...and do i need the acrer driver off their site........or continue with the one i have?.....the card is a AMD 7770 !  Thanks to all who help me as this is my 1st message here !


                                          Crash in KS

Best Answer

  • hymccord
    hymccord Member Posts: 4 New User
    Answer ✓

    Acer is very slow to respond in these forums.


    Overdrive makes the pixels transition colors faster, basically it reduces ghosting. It does this by "over-volting" the operating voltage of the pixels. BUT in doing so, especially in the extreme setting, it can make the pixels "overshoot" their desired color.


    You can see an excellent test here: http://www.testufo.com/#test=ghosting

    And read more about overdrive here: http://www.tftcentral.co.uk/advancedcontent.htm


    In short summary. Leave Overdrive on "normal".


  • Crash_of_43
    Crash_of_43 Member Posts: 5 New User

    Cant understand why i have got No Help Yet !     howver in reading about the constant questions about the firmware update.....i did see this so it helped some       ( " I have FreeSync on through the DisplayPort and noticed the OverDrive function wasn't making any difference when set to different levels (off, normal and extreme) "   so looks like that function is involved with the OVER DRIVE some how ?

  • hymccord
    hymccord Member Posts: 4 New User
    Answer ✓

    Acer is very slow to respond in these forums.


    Overdrive makes the pixels transition colors faster, basically it reduces ghosting. It does this by "over-volting" the operating voltage of the pixels. BUT in doing so, especially in the extreme setting, it can make the pixels "overshoot" their desired color.


    You can see an excellent test here: http://www.testufo.com/#test=ghosting

    And read more about overdrive here: http://www.tftcentral.co.uk/advancedcontent.htm


    In short summary. Leave Overdrive on "normal".

  • Crash_of_43
    Crash_of_43 Member Posts: 5 New User

       Thanks hymcccord..(and yes i see tons of unanswered "acer" products questions ! )......I sure will leave that option in "normal" mode.....and On the ACER drivers....for the monitor  I downloaded them.....However are they for a new build?...the manuel is pretty weak  on infomation about setting the tweets in the OSD   !....and during game play....i felt that power pack and it gets pretty warm.....seems to me it needs vented or have fins to radiate heat better.....i keep mine laying on the small side to allow heat to radiate off it better... Thanks to all who help .

  • DrewDoesThings
    DrewDoesThings Member Posts: 1 New User

    Thank you so much! I literally found this answer after 30 seconds of searching! I read the post, went to the test site, and I turned OD "Off" and it COMPLETELY fixed the ghosting/color-mismatch I kept seeing with large amounts of motion!

  • tech12
    tech12 Member Posts: 57 Devotee WiFi Icon
    Thanks @hymccord for the simple explanation