XR341CK monitor overdrive menu not available

Rondlh Member Posts: 3 New User

I just got my XR341CK monitor, free sync version, production date: November 2015.

I cannot access the OD (overdrive) menu. It is always grayed out. I cannot access it via the settings menu, or via the OD button (2nd from the left). It is just not accessible. I tried switching to game mode, but nothing works.

Freesync is working fine. I connect via display port with a Sapphire R9 390.



  • -Justin
    -Justin Member Posts: 2,362 Skilled Specialist WiFi Icon



    You may need to check your firmware version and have it serviced (updated) by the Acer repair center in your region if it is not up to date. These steps might help you figure out what your firmware version is, keep in mind that your version is not going to match the picture in that article.

  • Rondlh
    Rondlh Member Posts: 3 New User
    Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. I assume the "empowering button" the link talks about is the leftmost button of the 6 buttons, the power button is the rightmost button. I cannot get any menu to appear in the described way. I also noticed that my menu's are not as colorful as seen in the monitor reviews. The menu is only black, grey and white, and there is no green and yellow and only very little red. Red is only used for the bars to set things like brightness and contrast etc. It doesn't look like on this page: http://alatest.com/topbar/184343580/1712/?ref=http%3A%2F%2Fus.acer.com%2Fac%2Fen%2FUS%2Fcontent%2Fmodel%2FUM.CX1AA.001 Please help...
  • Rondlh
    Rondlh Member Posts: 3 New User

    Thanks for the response, I appreciate it.

    I cannot get any information to appear using the description in the link.

    I assume the "empowering button" is the leftmost button of the 6 buttons on the XR341CK monitor.

    I noticed that the OSD menu is only in black and white and grey, and red for bars for contrast etc. In sereveral reviews the menus have green and yellow and much more red. I don't know what is wrong here. My monitor is brand new. Please help,


  • -Justin
    -Justin Member Posts: 2,362 Skilled Specialist WiFi Icon



    Without having one of these monitors in my area to play around with, the menu looks a little more complex that what is in that article. I do not think that you will be able to use those steps I provided, unfortunately, I would suggest you contact the Acer Technical support in your region and go over the options with them.