Re-Install Android OS on Iconia One 7 B1-770

levelKro Member Posts: 11


edited March 2024 in 2018 Archives

Hi, I have buyed the Iconia One 7 from Best Buy, This is model B1-770.


Last week, I have notified about an Update, I have tried to install them, but got error.

The 16th december, Acer release via Support Web Site a Android OS Update, I have download the file and no more success.


The file is a ZIP, containt a .TAR file, this TAR file have a TAR.OUT file.

I have tested...

- ZIP file,

- TAR file,

- TAR file renamed in ZIP

- TAR.OUT file,

- TAR.OUT file renamed in TAR,

- TAR.OUT file renamed in ZIP file.

Each time, in the root of my SDCARD.


No result, only 1 sec and return FAILED. Some text from Acer support Web Site explain how to reinstall OS, but is not work for me, for some reason;

- If make POWER+VOLUME DOWN, I'm intering a mode with only Asian text, I'm can't known this language and don't known the menu items. For Recovery menu, is POWER+VOLUME UP.

- I'm not have "", the "" download from Update server (By the tablet) is erased after the first try to install them.

- I have tried to rename file downloaded manually in "", "update.tar" etc... (see rename list), each time: Invalid update; Failed.


I have also tested the USB Driver, Is simply not work on any windows version, tested on my Windows XP (SP3), Windows 7 and WIndows 10, My tablet use the Generix Driver from Microsoft. I have forced on Windows XP/7 to install them, I got error. If a retart the tablet in Fastboot, Windows can't find driver, and can't communicate with tablet. Need to force a reset (with pin in small hole).


Seriously, this tablet is good, but support and tool for maintenance are not good. Update don't work, drivers don',t work. I'm sure I have a B1-770 (is indicated on the box, on the device and in the about page of device), but all error is similar of wrong model. 


How to re-install Android OS from the support website ?

File : Android OS 12/16/2015


And if you can help also to how use external SD Card for store installed App (extend the 8GB internal for more app installed)


Thank you.



Best Answer

  • levelKro
    levelKro Member Posts: 11


    Answer ✓

    Subject closed


    I have just returned the tablet to Best Buy and get a new one. Is more easy and fast.


    Thank you again for help.


  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    i had a look at the support web page for your B1-770 but i can't find any update that you mentioned.


    can you please post the link?


    is your tablet running at the moment?

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • levelKro
    levelKro Member Posts: 11


    Tablet running fine on Android 5.0.1

    On Acer support;

    Tablets->Iconia One 7->B1-770, select tab "Documents"

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    no wait....that is Kernel source, not a system update, you can't use it to update your device.


    kernel source it's only for developers to create custom roms.


    about update, have you tried to check if it's still available to download from your tablet?


    settings/about tablet - system updates


    tap on check now

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • levelKro
    levelKro Member Posts: 11


    Yes, Update is available, (see first post), Got error (update failed) each time I try.


    Is request "Verify root integrity", I got 14 added files and 1 modified file, return failed.


    Yes' i known is a base ROM, and want REPLACE FIRMWARE with a STOCK ROM. How to do that ?

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    levelKro wrote:


     Yes' i known is a base ROM, and want REPLACE FIRMWARE with a STOCK ROM. How to do that ?

    Sorry, i don't understand what you mean....


    have you rooted your device?


    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • levelKro
    levelKro Member Posts: 11


    No, the tablet is not rooted. (Bootloader is locked also)


    Acer support reply to install Android OS on the tablet.

    Acer support reply to download the Android OS Image and install it with Recovery->Install update from sdcard


    I have follow this, without more explication of methods (first post). No result.


    The update don't want install because my system file have some modified/added files.

    Acer Support suggest to re-install Android OS from the file on Acer Support website (the link).


    I have tested before to wipe/erase (user data and cache).

    I have tested more than one SD Card (8gb,2gb).

    I have tested update from Android (many downloads, reboot from menu, restart manually and entering in recovery manually).

    I have tested the online file (all step is the first post), rename it, replace the file and directory made by the android update app, in the root of sdcard, in extension .zip, .tar (never work, dOn,t see file), and also all the kernel extracted.

    Can connect to ADB (when I'm on android, not work in recovery or fastboot), but not have access root (some tablet are pre-root by adb), with this ADB can reboot in fastboot, but the driver don't work on pc and can't use adb on fastboot. 


    For installing the Update, I need to restore Android OS to the stock state with originals files. 

    Acer say "download the Android OS on the support page", is was a done, but you report is only a update.

    If is a update, why I can't install it manually (like the auto updat eon android app), il always report invalide package for update by this way (by android download/reboot/install, is report the system is modified, can't update). How to restore all files, I'M not root (if I can be a root, I stop all support request, it's fix my problem with storage on sd card). But I'm not root (all app report no-root).


    I have googled, searched in Acer Support docs looked for same problem with other hardware, no valid result.

    MediaTek(chipset) not have tools for do that, no alternative driver found (like mediatek for usb..).


  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    I am having the same problem as IronFly. When I go to the support site for the B1-770 I don't find an OS image to install.

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  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer


    why you need to install stock OS?


    this is a non-sense, since if you didn't modify (root, deleting system applications) it's not needed.


    there is no update to download from the support page, kernel source is totally a different thing than an OS rom; honestly....probably they gave you a bad answer.


    if the update is giving that errors of modified/added/missing system files (normally tells also which one), probably is an update problem, not your installed OS.


    so at this point, please report your image version and build number


    settings - about tablet - scroll down till the end

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • levelKro
    levelKro Member Posts: 11


    I can't just ignore update, or only for 1hr...7days.


    I want go back to stock android, with original files for the tablet for be sure that nothing is modified (fix the root verify check fails). If root files (read "system files" and not root/SU files) is ok, the update have more chance to work correctly.


    If update is corrupted, why is continue to be requested to be updated ? Acer can't stop/fix this update request ?


    Ok, file listed for download is a kernel image for make a ROM, ROM is the Android OS for specified device. I can make my own rom for fix them ? I know, is require a skill under linux for compiling but with this files, is "ready to compile" or is a generic source (for many device and need configuration/adjustement)?


    And following this idea.... Acer have a download source for all updates/android rom/firmware etc... like ftp server, archive, mirror, etc... ?



  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    1) if you didn't root, it's impossible that you modified some files, i insist, it can be some incompatibility on the OTA update;

    2) it happened in the past but the error messages during update are normally pretty clear, can you take a screenshot or post them exactly as they appears?

    3) No so easy as you think and you will avoid your warranty flashing a non-official ROM;

    4) the only downloads available are on the support webpage;


    you didn't reply with your tablet image version and build number

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • levelKro
    levelKro Member Posts: 11


    Answer ✓

    Subject closed


    I have just returned the tablet to Best Buy and get a new one. Is more easy and fast.


    Thank you again for help.

  • Juggalo
    Juggalo Member Posts: 9


    i want to flash stock rom where do i get it and how do i flash it im so use to Samsung with Odin