Aspire E1 470p touch screen not working since the latest Windows 10 update how do I fix it please?

evianhhi Member Posts: 2 New User

Aspire E1 470p touch screen  not working since the latest Windows 10 update. Everything else is OK and there is no error message in Device Manager which reports it is working OK.

Any suggestions on fixing this please?


  • evianhhi
    evianhhi Member Posts: 2 New User

    OK I tried uninstalling the drivers but that didn't work!

    So I rolled back the November Windows update as I thought that was the problem but that didn't work either! It actually didn't roll back properly (a lot of Apps didn't work!) so I have spent most of the day getting W10 working again by reinstalling it!!!

    And the touch screen STILL doesn't work!!!!

    Any ideas would be welcome!

  • caburton100
    caburton100 Member Posts: 1 New User

    Can't help but having the same problem which I was able to resolve (temporarily) with a System Restore before the date when the problem started (also a Windows Update).  Unfortunatel Windows 10 has the annoying habit of re-installing drivers even after rolling back (unless, I believe, you buy the Professional version) so within a day the touch screen stopped working again.  The HID driver is shown as a Microsoft product and pre-dates Windows 10 by a number of years according to the driver info.  Is there a later version anywhere (Windows update driver insists it is the latest version).  Reluctant to re-install Windows 10 as the problem is obviously embedded.