Gateway SX2855 UR21p CPU

OK I have this older Gateway with the i3 2100 6gig ram and 1.5tb that the CPU is no longer any good in. This isn't 100% mission critical machine. So here is what I do know. Or think I know....


CPU can be i3 or i5 less then 65watts... However I also know that when I bought this system some years ago my aunt also got a same type rig but with the an SX2855 with G620 2.6 Cpu. SO I am wondering what can I really put in this computer. I was wondering if maybe there was a way to put in a better CPU? I don't want to invest in say a G2020 to find out that it wouldn't work in this MB! The G2020 is a TDP 55watt and I know that it isn't as fast as the i3 2100 but it does have some better things that I would be interested in.... 


Power consumption for my use would almost drop 1/2. Right now power use on the pc is 100. where the G2020 could drop that to around 48ish.... 


Also the G2020 is newer from 2013 where the i3 2100 is from 2011! so I would assume that it would have better HD Graphics, I know it does allow 3 displays where it is only useing 1 most times and rarely sees the use of 2 but does from time to time..


So I am wondering if there is anyone out there that has made an updage like this with a Sx2855? Or even know if this can be done? I will be making this replacement within the next week (Or a replacement anyway) 


Thank you



  • philetus
    philetus ACE Posts: 4,759 Pathfinder

    How do you know the processor is bad and not the M/B?

    Here is the upgrade page for the chipset. The chipset will support them, but will the Bios?

    You woould get more results with max memory and a SSD.

  • RevoMaxx
    RevoMaxx ACE Posts: 458 Pioneer
    Thank you for the list. In all honesty I already know what could work if the mb wasn't limited. Like my post first said. No i7 and limited to 65W . I tested the board with another i3 2100 from another computer I own. Sadly if I have one safe bet it's one of a pair. In some cases they may not have been bought same time. Like my XC600's one is manufactured in 2012 other 2013 same type board as the Sx2855 just not limited to CPU seeing one is 3220 the other is 3240 both boards are H61H2 as well.
  • RevoMaxx
    RevoMaxx ACE Posts: 458 Pioneer

    Well, I guess I need to look over things little better lol. The G2020 wouldn't work anyway... Not only is one of the Limitations with the SX board 65w. Also no Ivy Bridge CPU's will work. The G2020 is a Ivy Bridge..... Now I am looking over a few other CPU's not as nice as the G2020 but oh well. They only have to be better then the i3 2100. I just hope the end result is a CPU that will work, Seeing I can't find any ACER or gateway Compatibility listing on any of Intels sites or Other sites that offer info on loads of other Boards.


    THen if I looked up all the different Models of say my Gateway or Acer, IT still wouldn't help know what I can and can't use. I mean if you look at the 2 baords, in my SX 2855 and my Acer 600 they all 4 have he H61H2-AD on the boards. Different Man numbers seeing one is Gateway and one is Acer all with Acer logo seeing all made by or for...  


    For the Price of the i3 2100 with the outdated 2000 HD Graphics is main reason I don't want to replace with same CPU. Cost don't reflect my mind set on that issue...... I will figure out something before long. 


    Again thank you for the information