Driver Update Software

DaveOzric Member Posts: 8


Lack of product support by your company is a huge surprise. I have single handedly recommended your products to 5 people in the last 2 years and they have purchased a Acer computer. I own 3 of your computers myself.

My hard drive failed on a laptop that is out of warranty and I installed a SSD and used MS to install the FREE Windows 10 using their website to download and create the install media but now want to have your Acer Care Center software. I want to have a driver update software for your products such as Acer Care Center.

You support guy says you can't get it. Well unless you pay for recovery media. Not cool. You hardware fails and then I need to pay for not only a new hard drive but the OS.

Just provide a driver update software for you products. I may have to rethink recommending your stuff to EVERYONE who asks me. I am the computer guy for a LOT of people and am giving you a LOT of business.

NOT happy with this experience at all. All the big players have an update software that can be installed to keep the drivers updated. It is not dependent on how you installed the OS either. I don't believe it's even true what the support guy said about that part. I thought you guys were the real deal.


  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,402 Trailblazer

    Hello Dave,


    Try this official link (AcerCareCenterCheckTool.exe):



    I'm not an Acer employee. I'm only a volunteer.Smiley Happy

  • DaveOzric
    DaveOzric Member Posts: 8


    Well either it does not support Windows 10 or the support guy was right about it having to be the Acer OS that came with it.


    Either way I can't use it.


    Thanks for the link though.

  • RevoMaxx
    RevoMaxx ACE Posts: 458 Pioneer

    Hello, I am sorry I am not sure I understand?


    You have a computer that is a Acer branded computer and have tried to install the Care Center on your system and can't do it?


    I have not ever ran the Care Center on my system and I didn't have it on this one until I seen this post! I clicked the link and it started the DL. After DL I installed software and it loaded. I then I wanted to test soo I had it run a check up on my NEW or new to this system 1TB hd. Checked ok and then to the left clicked on My System where it shows my Computer Info.


    This computer I am running it on is a Acer Aspire XC603-UR15. I have upgraded the computer to 8gig of Ram and installed a Older but new to the system WD HDD 1TB for no other reason other then I wanted more space on this computer. The 500gig is stored as a back up if needed. 


    This computer I did a Clean install of Windows 10 x64 because Microsoft says it can be done and at this time better then trying to Clone the old drive.... Something I tried to do a couple of times before doing the upgrade and it didn't work.


    So I am wondering if your computer is/was a new or Referb when bought? Don't matter really other then could be that your MB isn't beeing seen as a Acer MB. I have a Dell that is the case on that I had to send in for a Repair many years ago. It is same hardware but now if I do a systeminfo it don't say DELL anymore but says to be filled in by OEM in that area... So I think somehow when they repaired it they forgot to Flash the info. Was sent back to them so oh well. Long past that now... 


    So I am wondering if you could "Right click on your Windows/Start icon, click run, in the box type in msinfo32 press enter and in the box that should look like the image below under where it says System Name does it show Acer as the System Manufacture? Then should show your Model Number and so on?"


    Screenshot (67).png

  • DaveOzric
    DaveOzric Member Posts: 8


    Maybe the Windows 10 Pro is the issue?


    OS Name    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
    Version    10.0.10240 Build 10240
    Other OS Description     Not Available
    OS Manufacturer    Microsoft Corporation
    System Name    ACER-I5
    System Manufacturer    Acer
    System Model    Aspire 4830T
    System Type    x64-based PC
    System SKU    
    Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2430M CPU @ 2.40GHz, 2401 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
    BIOS Version/Date    Acer V1.12, 8/14/2012
    SMBIOS Version    2.7
    Embedded Controller Version    255.255
    BIOS Mode    Legacy
    BaseBoard Manufacturer    Acer
    BaseBoard Model    Not Available
    BaseBoard Name    Base Board
    Platform Role    Mobile
    Secure Boot State    Unsupported
    PCR7 Configuration    Binding Not Possible
    Windows Directory    C:\WINDOWS
    System Directory    C:\WINDOWS\system32
    Boot Device    \Device\HarddiskVolume1
    Locale    United States
    Hardware Abstraction Layer    Version = "10.0.10240.16392"
    User Name    ACER-I5\Therese
    Time Zone    Central Daylight Time
    Installed Physical Memory (RAM)    6.00 GB
    Total Physical Memory    5.85 GB
    Available Physical Memory    3.28 GB
    Total Virtual Memory    6.79 GB
    Available Virtual Memory    4.06 GB
    Page File Space    960 MB
    Page File    C:\pagefile.sys
    Hyper-V - VM Monitor Mode Extensions    Yes
    Hyper-V - Second Level Address Translation Extensions    Yes
    Hyper-V - Virtualization Enabled in Firmware    Yes
    Hyper-V - Data Execution Protection    Yes

  • RevoMaxx
    RevoMaxx ACE Posts: 458 Pioneer

    EDIT: This edit is only a stab in the dark. But if you can try something maybe it is becasue your running your system in Legacy Mode? Where I have set mine back to UEFI Just an IDEA.


    Well I am not sure... All looks great and maybe it is because of the Pro Version then? I don't know at this time my pro system computer isn't getting an update to 10 at this time. Icon is there but I just don't want to update that computer to 10. Maybe there is another out there that isn't running the software yet that can try and do the install on 10Pro. If I change my mind and update I will let you know what I find out Sorry I couldn't be much more help on the Matter



  • DaveOzric
    DaveOzric Member Posts: 8


    I wil try it on a computer that is Windows 10 home and was installed on a SSD that has a fresh install from MS. If it doesn't work I'll check the bios mode. I do not have it in front of me to see.

  • DaveOzric
    DaveOzric Member Posts: 8


    No go. On a Windows 10 Home installed from the MS download site it's "not supported".


    Oh well, too bad.