X34 monitor LEDs "MNT STATUS" supposed to show g-sync on/off ?

Vandragorax Member Posts: 124 Die Hard WiFi Icon

Hi there,


I've had my X34 delievered today and very happy with it, it all seems to be working really great Smiley Happy


I just have one query I wondered if somsone could answer, the LED strip underneath has an option for "MNT STATUS" which I presume to mean "monitor status" and I believe it should change colour depending on whether G-Sync is ON or OFF.


However, it seems to stay RED almost the whole time, no matter if I run a windowed game, fullscreen game, etc. but occasionally it will go WHITE when a game is on a loading screen which is rather confusing.


I thought this was supposed to change to another colour when gaming and g-sync was enabled?  Can anyone from ACER comment on this feature please as I'm unable to work it out, and as such I'm unable to tell if G-Sync is actually working or not, other than having double checked all the settings in my NVIDIA control panel and such.


Thanks for the help,


Best Answer

  • Vandragorax
    Vandragorax Member Posts: 124 Die Hard WiFi Icon
    Answer ✓

    Hi Locoz,


    You need to go into the OSD menu and go to the ambient lighting section, change the colour (which presumably you have set at "BLUE" right now) to "MNT STATUS" and this will make it go RED when g-sync is on/working, and WHITE when g-sync is off/not working.  It's basically useless though because it will stay red whenever you have g-sync enabled in the NVIDIA control panel, and go white when you disable it, so I've now set mine to green for aesthetic reasons Smiley Happy


    Hope that helps.


  • funfordcobra
    funfordcobra Member Posts: 6


    If gsync is enabled in the nvcp, it will stay red.

  • brighttail
    brighttail Member Posts: 39 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    Well first off if you can OC it to 100hz, G-sync is on.  The monitor won't go past 60hz with G-sync off.


    Second if you look in the nvidia control panel and it says 3d type is Gsync it is activated.


    Third if you look in the nvidia control panel under g-sync, and it has the dot in the radial button and you have clicked apply, then close it and come back and it is still there, it is on.

  • Vandragorax
    Vandragorax Member Posts: 124 Die Hard WiFi Icon

    Thanks Brighttail, I don't think g-sync has to be on for the 100hz refresh rate, the two things are independent of each other.  But yes, I've checked both settings in NVIDIA control panel and they are set to g-sync being on for fullscreen apps.


    However, I'm still confused by the monitor light, because with my current settings, g-sync should only work in fullscreen mode, NOT windowed games.  But the monitor LED constantly stays red in "MNT STATUS" mode, even when running fullscreen OR windowed games, which doesn't seem to make sense.

  • Vandragorax
    Vandragorax Member Posts: 124 Die Hard WiFi Icon

    After playing around with this some more, I'm pretty sure that G-sync is currently NOT working....


    Can someone from Acer please confirm is the MNT STATUS led mode light supposed to go WHITE when G-sync is ON?


    I currently have all NVIDIA control panel stuff set up for G-sync to be ON for fullscreen applications, yet in Shadow of Mordor in fullscreen, on the screen where you get to move relics around and hunt for hidden lore, I'm definitely seeing tearing and that's at 100fps.  The LED is always RED for me.


    Thanks for any replies.

  • funfordcobra
    funfordcobra Member Posts: 6


    Red is ON, White is OFF.


    Make sure in NVCP that vsync is forced to on aswell as having gsync checked to on in the gsync section.

  • Cory-Acer
    Cory-Acer Administrator Posts: 1,449 Community Administrator

    So, I've got mine set to 100hz, gsync on and I started playing with the lights, Turned them on to 5, and set color to MNT Status and breathe (most of this is due to the backlight discussion). It's red. I went to nvcp of course was set to gsync on. I turned off gsync in nvcp and the LEDs went white. I turned gsycn back on and they returned to red.


    I'm not 100% sure what other statuses there could be, but I'll try to find out more next week.



  • Vandragorax
    Vandragorax Member Posts: 124 Die Hard WiFi Icon

    That's great, thanks guys!


    I've played around with this some more myself too and yes, RED = gsync turned on, WHITE = off.  I don't think there will be any other status Smiley Happy


    The issue I've seen in-game where G-sync doesn't seem to work even when the LED is RED, I think is some issue to do with the NVIDIA drivers when alt-tabbing out and back into the fullscreen game.  It seems to break the G-sync for some reason.  Hoping this can get fixed soon Smiley Happy

  • Cory-Acer
    Cory-Acer Administrator Posts: 1,449 Community Administrator

    I've done plenty of alt-tabbing this weekend and I haven't noticed this issue with gsync not working. How are you identifying that gsync has turn off? From the LEDs or from smoething else?

    I'm primarily playing H1Z1 when alt-tabbing,

  • Vandragorax
    Vandragorax Member Posts: 124 Die Hard WiFi Icon

    Well I noticed it whilst playing Shadows of Mordor.  There's a screen where you can view relics you collect and search them for clues by moving and spinning them on screen.  When I ran the game first off, I could move them about on screen and no tearing was visible at all... great, g-sync doing its job Smiley Happy


    But then after a few alt tabs and coming back to the game, even maybe after the monitor sleeps and wakes up again I'm not 100% sure, then I noticed on another of these relic screens when I was moving the relic left and right, I saw definite tearing exactly the same as g-sync is supposed to remove.  That relic screen itself runs at around 90fps on my machine too, so I don't think it was dipping below the frame rate threshold.  I also run my games with v-sync off so that it shouldn't cut out g-sync and switch to v-sync when going above 100frames either.


    The LED in "MNT STATUS" mode was still showing red though, so g-sync should have been working.  Maybe it was a one off fluke, or something else going on with frame rate to cause it to stop using g-sync momentarily, but it was definitely tearing.

  • Locoz
    Locoz Member Posts: 10 New User

    Hi i have been reading this post

    now i have a question myself regarding color of led

    now i have mine set to gsync in nvcp

    and its set at 100hz 

    when i play teamfortress 2 i get upto 280fps on a  980ti gcard 

    now my led lights are blue?

    and when i play batman arkham knight  they stay  blue for all games

    what does this mean does anybody know and again

    how do i know its working my gsync ?


    and my vsync is turned off.

    any help advice appreciated Smiley Happy

  • Locoz
    Locoz Member Posts: 10 New User

    and if someone can tell me what the blue light means?

    linus tech tips said if it says 100 in the panel the gsync is working?

    but mine doesnt change color or do i have to manually turn something on or off to get color changing lights?


  • Vandragorax
    Vandragorax Member Posts: 124 Die Hard WiFi Icon
    Answer ✓

    Hi Locoz,


    You need to go into the OSD menu and go to the ambient lighting section, change the colour (which presumably you have set at "BLUE" right now) to "MNT STATUS" and this will make it go RED when g-sync is on/working, and WHITE when g-sync is off/not working.  It's basically useless though because it will stay red whenever you have g-sync enabled in the NVIDIA control panel, and go white when you disable it, so I've now set mine to green for aesthetic reasons Smiley Happy


    Hope that helps.