Upgrade to windows 10

Eddiekpwong Member Posts: 3 New User

Hi all of you and thank you in advance


I am using aspire x3990 which have windows 7 home perium, I was trying to upgrade my computer to windows 10, but it didnt work, always stuck in the 32%, so have anyone experienced and after that successfully install windows 10? Can someone give me a hand and tell me what to do please.


Thanks again




  • padgett
    padgett ACE Posts: 4,532 Pathfinder

    Did you apply ALL updates, important or optional, that have the work "Windows" in the title ? Did you understand that the process may take overnight to complete ?

  • Eddiekpwong
    Eddiekpwong Member Posts: 3 New User

    I left my computer on yesterday on the entire night, but when I work up the computer still stuck in 32%.

  • padgett
    padgett ACE Posts: 4,532 Pathfinder

    That does sound stuck. Have you applied all updates ? Sometimes rebooting will help and at this point I would. There may be a log file that will tell you where to look, probably in windows\system32\logs

  • Eddiekpwong
    Eddiekpwong Member Posts: 3 New User

    I followed your instuction, but still not working for me, I complently gave up on this.
    Thanks for your help tho

  • Alfin72
    Alfin72 Member Posts: 42 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    I tried to force download windows 10 in my computer and it worked fine for me, I could help you with the steps to force Microsoft server to push a download to the computer. If you are ready to try it I could help you with the steps. I would also suggest you to create a recovery media before trying the below steps so that you could revert, back just in case. Navigate to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download folder and delete everything in this folder. Now run Command Prompt utility in Administrator mode. Simply search for ‘cmd’ from Start Menu/Screen, right click, and then click on run as administrator Or if you are ruining windows 8 or 8.1 press and hold windows key and tap on X and then chose Command prompt (as administrator) from the options Type this command wuauclt.exe /updatenow and press enter: Now after a few minutes, check for updates in Windows Update. You should now see Windows 10 being downloaded on your PC. The size of this download will vary depending on the version of Windows you are currently running. Download time will also vary depending on the type and speed of Internet connection you have. Once the download is complete, it will start ‘Preparing for installation’ after which you can install the update. If you staill face the same issue try a system reset and follow the above steps again. Windows update could have some issue if the system has low memeory. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A KUDOS is appreciate and remember to mark "Accept as Solution",If i was helpful,the post that solved your problem. Thank you.