Windows 10 can be installed on Apire S7 391 model

RayK Member Posts: 2 New User


  • RayK
    RayK Member Posts: 2 New User

    I have installed Windows 10 on the Aspire S7 391 in spite of it not being on the official supported list. This was acieved with the assistance of the Acer out-of-guarantee Tech Assistance service (£40 single instance fee), who helped me two days ago, with corrections to the set-up values of my Win 8.1 OS through remote access to my PC. They also remotely started a download of Windows 10, (which completed after several hours) and I was able to start the install process.


    At the first install restart (15% install completion) I came back to a frozen blank screen! I shut down the laptop and found myself returned to the original Win 8.1 OS


    However, a google search found a page on the microsoft Windows 10 forum (I think) which led me to carry out the following changes to the Windows 8.1 (Run, Regedit):


    1.Locate the registry key:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\WindowsUpdate\OSUpgrade


    2. It should exist, but if not create it [It did not show on my laptop, so I did 3 below]


    3. Create a DWORD (32 bit ) Value [in OSUPGRADE sub-key] with Name = "AllowOSUpgrade" (without the quotes) and set the Value = 0x00000001 [it would not accept this, so I used Value = 1}


    After this, I rebooted and then went to Windows Update where I was offered another Windows 10 download. This downloaded in about 1 hr this time and then ran into the install routine. This time the install went through to the end and I found the laptop working perfectly in Windows 10!


    I have informed Tech Support about this additional step in the pre-install requirements for changes to the factory installed OS version settings, so I am hopeful that they can guide others to a successful upgrade to Windows 10 on the many Acer Aspire S7 391 laptops out there (and still being sold on place like ebay!).