problem mounting usb drive on Aspire Switch 10

kenaa05 Member Posts: 2 New User

let grandchildren download to computers. stsrted out with bsod error 777  hijack problem.

ran malwarebytes and deleted more than 2000 issues,then got an auto shutdown after 10 minutes.

can't run malwarebytes in less than 10 minutes.

run system restore and now getting inaccessible_boot_device error message.

changed boot to boot with 1st usb hd 2nd usb dvd drive 3 windows boot manager in bios

have tried repeately to boot with usb drive.

can not get anything to boot on this computer.

tried using keyboard usb port, tried using a micro usb adaptor on screen side.

tried dos on usb, tried ubcd on usb

cant get anything to boot besides window which then errors out..

ordered an usb erecovery to try.


What else can I try ???



  • kenaa05
    kenaa05 Member Posts: 2 New User

    made a window recover usb from from 2nd Switch 10 ( bought 3 of them).

    This worked to reinstall window 10  on 1st switch 10.

    This also wiped out all the Acer apps.

    Where can I get the Acer apps to reinstall ??