Installed 64-bit Windows 10 on a Iconia W3-810 tablet and have no touch capability.

elwardrm Member Posts: 2 New User

I installed 64-bit Windows 10 on my Iconia W3-810 tablet.  Now I have no touch screen ability.  I need to hook it up to a USB keyboard and mouse to interact with it. 


Has anyone experienced this and how do I get the touch screen working?


I've also tried to get back to Windows 8.1 but it won't let me boot from the USB flash drive now.  The UEFI security settings I believe are preventing this.  I've been in the UEFI setting at boot but the options to turn this off are not setable.  Anyone know how to get the tablet to boot off a USB flash drive so I can get back to Windows 8.1?


  • WillL
    WillL Member Posts: 121 Troubleshooter
    Is there an actual option in the BIOS to boot from USB? I had this problem getting my Aspire P3 to boot from USB but there is another option I just changed through desperation (something like heritage) that allowed the boot.
  • Sharanji
    Sharanji ACE Posts: 4,673 Pathfinder
    As per Acer, the W3-810 and W3-810P use the Clover Trail chipset. This chipset is not supported by Windows 10 at this time.

    I hope this helps! If this was useful, please hit 'Yes' or 'Like'! Thanks! 😊

  • mik56312
    mik56312 Member Posts: 1 New User

    I had the same, and after restart tablet is dead!

    Starts up, but go no more then first screen " Acer explore beyond limits" and roll back again, start again and again!

    I tryed to recover, no way!

    Win 8.1 is gone, Win 10 don't start up, nothing!


    When trying to recover sometimes he said that disk is blocked and need to free it, sometimes its saying disk is not there!

    Help Microsoft or Acer?

  • elwardrm
    elwardrm Member Posts: 2 New User


    Given you're offering a possible solution. Is there anychance you could remember what the setting was and how you were able to set it?


    I searched for "bios heritage setting and didn't turned up any hits. I also don't see any place in the UEFI bios setting menus that have a parameter like this.




  • padgett
    padgett ACE Posts: 4,532 Pathfinder

    What they mean is that ACER does not support the W3 with windows 10. Mine is working fine with the upgrade. Now 64 bit is a different animal and you might have to try switch 12 drivers (the only 64 bit touchscream tab AFAIK). 64 bit is the main reason I bought a Sw 12 and it also upgraded just fine.


    It is not because the Clover Trail is not supported by Micrsoft (starting last week it was) but because Acer has decided the W510, W3, and certain others are not worth the bother.


    In fact to get 64 bit on a W3 must have been interesting since the UEFI signatures in the W3 are for the 32 bit only. In theory it can run 64 bit but you will need not only the touch drivers, more important are the thermal managemnt drivers.


    OTOH my W3 is not loading (code 31) the Intel DPTF drivers (see post) and Intel has not issued updates.


    And on the gripping hand my W3 does not seem to be running hot.

  • Plastixx
    Plastixx Member Posts: 66 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    The 32bit EC firmware will not work with a 64bit OS. It doesn't matter if you install 64bit drivers, it still won't work.

  • padgett
    padgett ACE Posts: 4,532 Pathfinder

    Think the only Acer tablet 64 bit drivers are for the Switch 12.

  • Plastixx
    Plastixx Member Posts: 66 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    There are no 64-bit drivers for Z2760, period. You're wasting your time.