Freeze with my Acer predator g3-605

Gloob Member Posts: 9 New User



First, i would say that I'm sorry for my bad english because it's not my native language,


Then, here is my probleme: Since I bought my acer predator g3-605 i have freeze on it when I play games.

I searched and found that I'm not the only one to have these freeze but none of the solutions helped me.


I tried a lot of solutions like:

  • Update the drivers via Geforce Experience
  • Uninstall/reinstall games/applications that freeze
  • Move games/applications to the HDD or, conversely, to the SSD.
  • Factory Settings (!) to "restart" to the beggining

I found a similar Post of mine on this forum, but the only solution for him was to send his pc to replace it with another computer, and I would prefer found a solution without changing my PC.


With thanks,

Best Answer

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,402 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓

    I think your motherboard is defective. I suggest you to contact your Acer support.

    Sorry I can't help you more.


    Je pense que c'est la meilleure orientation. Sûrement un problème de(s) composant(s) électronique(s).
    Vous allez dépenser beaucoup de temps et d'énergie pour finalement aboutir à cette conclusion.
    Deux autres membres ont eu la même panne sur ce modèle.
    Patience et bonne continuation,
    Laurent Smiley Frustrated


  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,402 Trailblazer



    Do you have the last version of the chipset driver?



    Your english is correct. We are not all bilingual.Smiley Happy

  • Gloob
    Gloob Member Posts: 9 New User

    Hello Laurent_14 and thank you for your answer,


    I see that you are french so I will continue to answer you in french because French is my native language. I will keep "translating" what I say in case of a none-French person could help me too.


    Here is the French part:

    Donc je ne suis pas un professionel du PC et j'ai du aller rechercher ce qu'était ces "chipset driver". J'ai trouvé qu'il fallait télecharger Intel driver Update Utility et faire un scan pour voir si nos chipset drivers étaient à jour. Mais voilà problème, il ne detecte pas les drivers sur mon pc ("No drivers were detected for your product").... :/ que faire ? Ai-je bien fait de télecharger ce logiciel pour verifier mes chipset drivers ou fallait-il que je fasse autrement?


    Here is the english part:

    To check my chipset drivers I searched on google and found that we can check our chipset drivers by downloading Intel Driver Update Utility to scan and check if an update is available. But when I scan, i got an error that said "No drivers were detected for your product". What do I have to do ? Did I do something wrong ? Should I download an other program ? Thank you

    Thank you for the answers

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,402 Trailblazer

    You are very far from our country!


    About the Intel chipset, you can read this webpage. When you'll find it, right click, properties, driver tab and normally you'll see the driver version.

  • Gloob
    Gloob Member Posts: 9 New User

    Sorry but I don't see :/ Here is a screen :


    2015-08-10 19-26-16.png


    Which one is supposed to be my Chipset Intel ?

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,402 Trailblazer



    1- Look in the Intel B85 LPC controller. Your chipset is an Intel B85.

    2- What's the OS?

    3- What graphic board do you have? Do you have the same?

    4- Do you have this issue only when you play a game?


    I read the topic you stated. They replaced his desktop but he has always the same issues.

    I guess this series of graphic board has a problem.



    Excuse me. Yesterday I misunderstood a little information. I thought you were french.

    You live in the land of the watch!Smiley Happy

  • Gloob
    Gloob Member Posts: 9 New User



    1- So my Intel B85 chipset driver is up to date; there is no update.

    2- my OS: windows 8.1

    3- my graphic card is Nvidia GeForce GTX760 (1.5 GB) . I don't understand the question. The same of what ?

    4- Especially when I play games, BUT, it happens sometimes too when I watch video/someting on the internet. I notified that my CPU go really down when i have these freeze (I saw that with the task manager)


    So what I am supposed to do if the graphic board has this problem ? Will I ever have problems with this PC ? :/


    And yes, I'm not from the land of "l'omelette du fromage" but from watch and chocolate Smiley Very Happy


    Once again, thank you for the answers Smiley Very Happy


    PS: here you can find my specification if it helpls, I don't know ^^


  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,402 Trailblazer

    3- The same that the topic stated in your first message. He has a Nvidia GTX 745. He has the same issue with the new desktop.


    Have you tried to desactivate the Wifi and LAN and play a DVD during one hour?


    La France est le pays du steak/frites et du jambon/beurre! Smiley Very Happy
  • Gloob
    Gloob Member Posts: 9 New User

    Thanks for the answer, I will try tomorrow to watch a movie on my PC and will give you feedback after.


    Tandis que la Suisse est pour la fondue/raclette Smiley Very Happy
  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,402 Trailblazer



    I wrote:

    "The same that the topic stated in your first message. He has a Nvidia GTX 745. He has the same issue with the new desktop."

    Oups! These are two different members in the same topic. The first one has no issue thus far with his new desktop.

    He wrote:

    "So I sent the system back to Acer and they were unable to identify and resolve the problem.Since they couldn't fix the issue, they offered to replace it with another computer, which I received two days ago."


  • Gloob
    Gloob Member Posts: 9 New User



    So I tried to watch a dvd during 2 hours and during the movie, I had 2 freeze. I started watching the dvd with Cyberlink Power DVD 12. When freeze came, the application shut down and a message error pops up :

    2015-08-13 11-22-59.png

    After 2 freeze, I change and watched with VLC media  player, with no freeze.


    I want to add that I think I have more freeze with programs who are installed in the SSD. VLC is on the HDD, unlike CyberLink PowerDVD.


    I already noticed that programs on the SSD have more freeze, so I changed my games and moved them to the HDD. But unfortunately, one game still have freeze despite I moved him to the HDD...


    Is it only my SSD who freeze ? If yes, why dows this game still have freeze ? Have this game files in the SSD and that's the reason why is freezing?


    I find myslef not very understandable so if you didn't understant something tell me, I will try to be more "articulate" Smiley Happy

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,402 Trailblazer



    Your desktop is it still under warranty?

    You can check here.

  • Gloob
    Gloob Member Posts: 9 New User



    Yes, until December

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,402 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓

    I think your motherboard is defective. I suggest you to contact your Acer support.

    Sorry I can't help you more.


    Je pense que c'est la meilleure orientation. Sûrement un problème de(s) composant(s) électronique(s).
    Vous allez dépenser beaucoup de temps et d'énergie pour finalement aboutir à cette conclusion.
    Deux autres membres ont eu la même panne sur ce modèle.
    Patience et bonne continuation,
    Laurent Smiley Frustrated
  • Gloob
    Gloob Member Posts: 9 New User

    Ok thank you I'll do that. Should I contact acer (in this site) or the company where i bought my pc ?


    En tout cas merci pour tout ce temps que tu m'as accordé pour me répondre Smiley Happy
    Et aussi, personnelement, pourrais tu me dire que signifie "1 year on site" ? Que veux dire le "on site" ? C'est ce qui est marqué sur le site qui me dit si j ai encore la garantie.


  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,402 Trailblazer



    Q: Should I contact acer (in this site) or the company where i bought my pc ?:

    A: The company where you bought the pc. They will take care of the shipment (free) to the Acer repair center.


    It's an american website. Your desktop is warranty during 2 years in your country.

    Two ways:

    1- Mail-in: Customer ships the unit to Acer’s repair depot. After the repair is complete, Acer ships the unit back to the customer. (I think you pay the shipment)

    2 - Carry-in: Customer brings the unit to an Acer Authorized Service Provider. After the repair is complete, customer picks the unit up.


    Aspire Predator - Warranty terms - page 8


    "Sur site" signifie que l'ordinateur doit être expédié ou déposé dans un centre de réparation agréé.
    Expédition à tes frais. Pour d'autres marques, 1 an sur site + 1 an par retrait à domicile"

    "C'est en aidant que l'on apprend"  - A ton service ou De rien!Smiley Very Happy
  • Gloob
    Gloob Member Posts: 9 New User

    Hello and finaly thank you for all the help


    I'll contact acer and send my computer by 2 months


    I'll post my issue and will provide you an update by 2 month (if I remember Smiley Frustrated)


    Thank you for all

