Acer Aspire m3985 new GPU cant boot, MBO see only half RAM memory

bokica80 Member Posts: 7 New User

Hi i have a lot of problems with Acer aspire m3985.

Default PS is 300w, i upgrade it to coolermaster 500w

i put new GPU povercolor r7 260x 1GB ddr5 128 bit, but cant boot pc (black screen and not hear beep from motherboard)

i put another GPU ATi 5700 (same spec like prev. GPU) and system boot normal, i hear 1 beep, and work fine...

I put again new GPU r7 260x, but again cant boot (gpu is new and work on another PC i tested it)

so i try CLEAR CMOS, i finish that

r7 260x card dont boot again, i put ati again, and make date and time in BIOS, but i see another problem now:

i have 16 GB paired kingston memory on computer but in BIOS see 8GB ???? (before reset CMOS is 16 GB)

I test all memory modules one by one, i tested any slot one by one and all work, but when i put all 4 modules, bios and windows see only half 8gb see from 16 gb installed memory...

In program CPUz , write 16 GB ram, and 4 modules installed, with serial numbers on modules, but in bios and windows see only 8 GB of ram...

I reinstall system 3 times, windows 7 - nothing get

install windows 8.1 - nothing get

In wondows 8.1 i upgrade BIOS from site p01.a1 to p01-a2 because last bios cant upgrade i got error message

"ROM file size does not match existing BIOS size"

I try upgrade UEFI firmware, i read manual on this forum, i work all step by step, and in my windows DONT HAVE OPTION UEFI firmware???

also i try windows 10, all same nothing fixed, memory 8 gb, r7 GPU dont work...

I remove battery from MB for 10 hours to empty electrolits, but again nothing get...

On motherboard next JUMPER near CMOS is BIOS WP jumper (i read on forum this jumper is BIOS write protect jumper) i dont touch this jumper, because i dont know for what is use... (i think i need put in ON bios wp jumper and then upgrade bios, but i first ask what to doo and i hope i get anwser)...

Please help me


  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer



    1- I would check the total memory with a second tool: HWINFO portable version (no installation).

    2- Have you replaced the CMOS battery?

  • bokica80
    bokica80 Member Posts: 7 New User

    1. i use this program, and in program have 16 gb ram (same like in CPU z) in bios and windows have 8gb ram

    2. i chek battery voltage 3.4 V japan , i change with new battery 3.3v (battery 3v 2032)

    but nothing get new...

    Any MB have double bios, i need UEFI bios but i cant go on it...

    hwinfo 1.jpg

  • bokica80
    bokica80 Member Posts: 7 New User




    This is same motherboard after reset CMOS and upgrade bios P01-A1 to P01-A2

    GPU povercolor r7 260x dont boot computer, so i use another GPU...

    U can see MOTHERBOARD IS NOT SAME my computer is ACER ASPIRE M3985, like on first picture, but now i have bios like on second picture... I cant change UEFI bios settings because i cant Flash last version of bios, because dont work, only work p01-a1 and p01-a2...     

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer



    Have you flashed the bios under Windows or Dos?

  • bokica80
    bokica80 Member Posts: 7 New User

    1. In BIOS have 16 gb ram, windows see 16 gb ram, motherboard name acer m3985 in bios and windows, GPU r7 260x dont boot PC

    2. I reset CMOS, BIOS see 8 gb ram, windows see 8 gb ram, CPUz and hwinfo see 16 gb ram, GPU r7 260x dont boot again, motherboard name in bios and windows is changed to acer m1935.

    3. I download last version bios p11.b1 from site, windows flash faild ROM size doesnt match bios size

    4. i donwload bios p11.a2 from acer site, windows flash, load default settings in bios, bios version p01.a2 write in bios page, motherboar name is m1935 (my pc is m3985), GPU r7 260x cant boot, 8 gb ram see in bios and windows...

    5. i try install windows in UEFI mode, format SSD to GPT format (someone told me that is wrong need make bootabile USB with windows because CD-DVD rom is not UEFI- in bios i see boot name : UEFI CD DVD drive and i boot from them, boot in windows 8.1 options option in settings UEFI firmware dont exist...

    6. can someone give me step by step manual how to flash bios in DOS mode, i have USB flash, and i format it in bootabile mode, and wish bios i put on usb last one UEFI (non working) or p01-a2???

    12 days i cant use PC because i cant solve this problems

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    i don't understand.


    your BIOS version prior to try various BIOS flash, was...





    this is a big difference, since if you sucessfully flashed wrong BIOS version, this can raise a lot of issue up to CMOS brick.


    P01 BIOS can be DOS flashed

    P11 BIOS can't be DOS flashed (UEFI)

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • bokica80
    bokica80 Member Posts: 7 New User

    i can flash p01-a1 and p01-a2 bios from windows

    another bios from site dont work

    can someone explain STEP BY STEP: how to flash bios in DOS mode

    1. make bootabile flash - done

    2. copy bios files P01-A2 on flash - done

    3. restart PC press f12

    4. choose USB boot

    5. DOS mode

    6. DIR, CD DOS, DIR i see 3 files inside, afudos, p1-a2.rom, and bios_dos.bat

    7. afudos p01-a2.rom /p

    ami flash windows is open and down write: press any key to continue, i press 2 x any button, and they write error command...

    please make manual for flashing bios from DOS step by step with all commands

    bios dont read flash file

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    so your factory BIOS is P01 and the latest available is P01-A2


    you can't flash P11 BIOS on your PC.


    by the  way,on DOS, type: bios_dos.bat

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • bokica80
    bokica80 Member Posts: 7 New User

    Dont work...

    i download bios P01-A2


    DOS: afudos.exe , BIOS_dos.bat

    ROM: P01-A2.rom

    WIN: AFUWIN.exe, AFUWINx64.exe, amifldrv32.sys, amifldrv64.sys, BIOS_WIN.bat


    restart computer, f12, choose USB boot, DOS runing...

    dir - 3 folders DOS,ROM,WIN

    cd DOS - to change directory

    dir - Afudos.exe and bios_dos.bat is in folder

    bios_dos.bat - error reading file

    afudos.exe P01-A2.rom /p

    ami flash window is open, with commands, if i press any button i get error command...



  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    PDF instructions says:


    copy BIOS folder to USB, so i think copy the whole BIOS_Acer_P01.A2_Windows folder.


    then browse to DOS folder and run the .bat file


    by the way, if you already updated on windows to P01.A2 why you need to flash it again?

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • bokica80
    bokica80 Member Posts: 7 New User

    graphic card r7 260x 1gb ddr5 128 bit cant boot PC (i use ati raden 5770)

    Bios see 8 gb ram, i have 16 gb ram...

    BIOS is problem so i try fix it...

    UEFI bios is locked so i cant doo nothing...

    i need programm BIOS somehow with bios P11-B1 but dont know how...

    In my country acer dont work, and dont have service so i dont know...

  • JackMurray
    JackMurray Member Posts: 1 New User

    Similar but not too similar situation.

    With my Acer Aspire M3985 I have had problems with installing a new GPU's, the current one inside is a Nvidia gtx 605, which im raring to get rid of however, when installing a new graphics card I get nothing, just a blank screen which has no connection. I have tried installing an AMD Radeon HD 7850, an msi geforce gtx 660ti and an asus geforce gtx 560 (the first 2 cards I have returned and the 560 is from a off a friend) all of which have had the same problem. I have installed everything correctly, updated my bios, even upgraded my psu so that isn't a problem. My best guess is that the motherboard is just incompatable with any of these graphics cards, and before I go out and buy a new motherboard, swap everything onto it and find out that the motherboard wasnt the problem and the gpu still doesnt work, I could do with some opinions or advise, if anyone knows any solutions I would apreciate some feedback.
