E1-731-4699 memory question

AlecWest Member Posts: 9 New User

From reading specs, I know there are two DIMM slots.  Without opening up the box (yet), I'd like to find out if my laptop has:


1)  A 4GB chip plugged into 1 slot leaving 1 slot free for expansion.


2) Two 2GB chips, each plugged into a slot.


I want to upgrade to 8GB RAM ... but need to know whether I should buy one 4GB chip to plug into an empty slot or two 4GB chips to "replace" existing 2GB chips.

Best Answer

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,401 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓



    You laptop has only one stick of 4Gb - DDR3L - 1600MHz

    The original memory sticks are:


    You'll find the brand and the part number of actual memory stick with HWINFO portable version (no installation).



  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,401 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓



    You laptop has only one stick of 4Gb - DDR3L - 1600MHz

    The original memory sticks are:


    You'll find the brand and the part number of actual memory stick with HWINFO portable version (no installation).

  • AlecWest
    AlecWest Member Posts: 9 New User

    Thanks.  My computer uses the ACR16D3LS1KFG-4G Kingston 4GB chip.  I just ordered an identical Kingston chip from Impact Computers.

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,401 Trailblazer



    I think you made a mistake:

    KN.4GB07.007 - KINGSTON ACR16D3LS1KBG/4G

  • AlecWest
    AlecWest Member Posts: 9 New User

    laurent_14 wrote:



    I think you made a mistake:

    KN.4GB07.007 - KINGSTON ACR16D3LS1KBG/4G

    If I did, it was based on info from the utility you recommended:



  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,401 Trailblazer



    Your actual memory stick is this one:

    KN.4GB07.015 (picture)SODIMM.4GB.DDR3L-1600.KINGSTON (ACR16D3LS1KFG/4G)


    The part number stated in your previous message is correct.

    Certain Acer parts are remplaced during the lifecycle of the laptop but unfortunately the part list is not updated.

  • AlecWest
    AlecWest Member Posts: 9 New User

    Thanks.  I would imagine that any manufacturer, including Acer, would vary the manufacturer and type of memory stick used based on factors such as compatability, price and availability.  That makes the HWinFO utility you mentioned a valuable tool to reveal the truth.  Again, thanks for recommending it.  I "installed" the non-portable version and an icon for it is on my desktop.


    BTW, I got an email from Impact Computers this morning ... and the memory stick is on its way (grin).

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,401 Trailblazer

    You are quick!

    Personally I prefer HWINFO than SPECCY.

    Good luck!

  • AlecWest
    AlecWest Member Posts: 9 New User

    laurent_14 wrote:

    You are quick!

    No rest for the wicked (grin).  FWIW, besides upgrading RAM to 8GB, I also plan to "clone" the 500GB hard drive to a Western Digital Scorpio-Blue 1TB hard drive.  I already have the hard drive, an iDsonix hard drive docking station, and Macrium Reflect cloning software.  Via USB3, the time it will take to clone the hard drive will be "livable."


    Still, to upgrade the memory and hard drive, I have to wait for a precision tool kit for laptops to arrive from Amazon.  I've done my own builds before ... but only on desktops.  So, while I'm familiar with doing my own upgrading, working on a laptop will be a new experience for me.  Fortunately, if I feel I'm getting in over my head, there's a local mom/pop shop (a husband/wife "geek" team) I can always turn to for help and advice.


    BTW, I do realize that opening up the computer will void the warranty.  But, having dealt with computer warranties since my first MS-DOS 4.2 computer, I've come to the opinion that a hardware warranty and 10 cents still won't buy you a cup of coffee (grin).  I tend to do the "little" stuff on my own.  And for the big stuff, I rely on my local geek-team.  I may have to pay for their services out-of-pocket.  But I know downtime would be at a minimum.