Why Dont these Exist?!

penguinpoo Member Posts: 1 New User


2 Ideas!

1. There is no way for customers to feed back what things they like / dont like in tablets. A website, where users can drag and drop 'features' onto a fictional device, increase battery size etc... and on the left side you have a total 'weight' and a total cost (increasing battery size for example increases weight and cost. Likewise increasing resolution decreases battery life). Then they can save the fictional 'configurations', and from there, YOU can analyse the trends and better produce future products.

and 2: An Android tablet for the readers and surfers (Web Surfing that is):

I really enjoy the Android experience, and the eco system, However I need a tablet for browsing and reading, but unfortunatly I am 'having' to use an iPAD (Not a fan of iOS), this is because its aspect ratio (4:3) is perfect in my opinion for tablets, especially reading and browsing.

I would love an Android 4:3 tablet from a decent manufactorer, and I assure you of my purchase if you released such a wonderful device. 16:9 or 16:10 in tablet is simply awkward, reading a website, an ebook, PDF... all of it is simply odd when holding a widescreen tablet. Its a second rate experience.

Please can you make a decent 4:3 tablet.

Thanks, Richard


[edited for privacy]


  • kiwipeso
    kiwipeso Member Posts: 82


    1. This would require a lot of design working on the fly, and would require an industrial supercomputer to do the virtual design in realtime for all but a half dozen standard options.

    2. This probably has something to do with a thing called "Youtube", where people watch widescreen movies online. Smiley Very Happy I find the ebooks software to be more convienent when I can read 2 pages before turning, as I read too fast to slow down every page to turn.

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