Aspire 5720 CPU possible upgrades?

ianmain Member Posts: 2 New User



Does anyone know what the possible CPU upgrades are for the Apsire 5720 ICL50 Nettling laptop might be??




Best Answer


  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer



    Here are the original processors of Aspire 5720:

  • ewwestsr
    ewwestsr Member Posts: 18 New User
    Answer ✓

    This list is of the processors that will function with the chipset:


  • ianmain
    ianmain Member Posts: 2 New User

    Hi Guy's,


    I have done some research on the web about this laptop and it does indeed use the Intel GM965 chipset having looked up the details on Intel's site and on Acer's site some confusion existed. The replies post on this group were very helpful to me in finally determining the highest CPU that the laptop could take.


    It seems that Acer in their service manual suggest the T7700/SLA43 or higher is listed, which is a Merom core 0.065micron. However, investigating the latest BIOS from Acer V1.45A that it contains Intel microcode for the Penryn 0.045micron core and has an entry 10676 C0 as the last entry which means that the laptop should recognise the T9500/SLAYX stepping C0 CPU.Smiley Very Happy This is the fastest socket P 800MHz at 2.6GHz. Many thanks to the 2 gentlemen that replied to my initial question, both of which were very helpful.Smiley Wink


    If anyone is thinking of upgrading an Acer Aspire 5720 ICL50 GM965 laptop I hope this information is helpful. I have ordered an T9500/SLAYX CPU and will be installing it in about 2 weeks time and I will report back sucess or failure or ant potential issues.Smiley LOL Again many thaks to you all.Smiley Very Happy



  • hkgx
    hkgx Member Posts: 2 New User

    Hi ianmain,


    I would be interested in your feedback as I too, bought a T9500 to replace the old T5450 that was in my Aspire 5720. But I'm facing a problem, when I put it in, it displays nothing at all on the screen and the computer turn off after a while. I fashed the BIOS to it's 1.45 version but nothing changed. When I put back the T5450 everything works fine like before... Did you succeed, if so, how ?


    Thank you

  • hkgx
    hkgx Member Posts: 2 New User

    Forget about it ahaha,

    I forgot to lock the **bleep** processor in by switch the screw.

    So for people looking for information >


    I had an Acer Aspire 5720g with a T5450 Processor.

    I changed it to a T9500. At first it didn't work - I had to flash the BIOS to the v1.45

    Now, everything works fine ! So T9500 works or Aspire 5720g.


    Cheers !

  • rowell12000
    rowell12000 Member Posts: 3 New User

    install the T7300 @ 2.0 mhz, definately this is the furtheriest upgrade for a Acer Aspire 5720 which will bring you up to date to year 2016.  Also upgrade the RAM to 4 Gb which is also the maximum upgrade for this motherboard 100% correct.

  • rowell12000
    rowell12000 Member Posts: 3 New User

    T7300 cpu @ 2.0 mhz

  • rowell12000
    rowell12000 Member Posts: 3 New User

    install the T7300 @ 2.0 mhz, definately this is the furtheriest upgrade for a Acer Aspire 5720 which will bring you up to date to year 2016.  Also upgrade the RAM to 4 Gb which is also the maximum upgrade for this motherboard 100% correct.

  • olvin82
    olvin82 Member Posts: 2 New User



    I would like to do the same as you with my acer extansa 7630ez which runs with a Intel Pentium T4300 (already Penryn) and replace it by the T9500. The Motherboard of my extensa has an intel chipset GL40 which should support this processor. As you, i was wondering if the Phoenix bios version 3821 will support this new processor.


    How do you find the microcodes support by your bios? Is there a special procedure to find out?


    Kind regards,

