Acer slow booting

JLetras Member Posts: 2 New User

Hello, I have a new E5-571G-72M5 Acer and I have a problem. The computer to start for Windows after login takes a long time to think, is slow and disk usage goes much time around the 100% usage. Any suggestion?
I've tried a lot to improve but remains always the same.


Intel Core i7 4510U Turbo Boost 2.0 to 3.1
Nvidia Geforce 820M 1GB



  • techy
    techy Member Posts: 56 Troubleshooter

    first place i would look is Task Manager, often by default installed programs run at start up, or run in the background, within task manager you can disable programs from running at "start up" a lot of programs try to check for updates in the background, adobe product, itunes are bad for this and don`t need to run at start up, likely I would say this is you issue, also check for malware, try the free version of malwarebytes as it works quite well, try the free version of ccleaner to clean up leftover cache files from browsing the internet, then make sure all programs you use are up to date, being windows 8.1 first through windows update.

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    Before installing things, if you have any antivirus installed (AVG,Norton...etc etc), uninstall it and check again if your laptop is slow.

    I'm not an Acer employee.