Recovery Disc/Drive

kimsland Member Posts: 4 New User

Hi All Smiley Happy


I own my Acer Aspire 5742

(Windows 7 Home Premium COA product key attached underneath laptop)

The drive was wiped/formatted (not sure which but doesn't matter)

Now when I try to access the Recovery Console (F10 pretty sure, I tried it a week ago)
I am given Windows 7 Home Premium title, but when continuing it asks for the media!?

Since I actually prefer the media anyway (ideally USB boot drive not clumsy disc), I thought Id just phone Acer Support and get one (obviously with OS and hopefully it comes with all original drivers etc).
But... Acer Support confirm the laptop is not under warranty plus they don't sell the media for that laptop any longer!

They directed me to my local Acer distributer (computer shop) who then stated they will reinstall the default image for $120 (obviously as long as the drive and everything is ok) But won't supply the media (my understanding I can create my own image through eRecovery supplied by Acer within the image, I hope?)


At last my question(s) Smiley Happy


1. Can you please direct me to where I can purchase (?) the boot drive made up already including OS and drivers? Smiley Happy Since then I could do it myself, and I don't mind loading multiple discs and eventually downloading updated drivers/applications what have you).

2. Call me old fashioned Smiley Happy But will this laptop take XP?
Windows XP has way less system resourses being taken up in the background. I can easily disable any services tasks you name it. But I just need to know if it will take it (in drivers sense - video audio network etc) Or even in OS sense. Will XP actually load on this thing. I'm pretty sure I have a few product keys somewhere here for XP.
Note: Not too worried about lack of MS support, as I'll image it and re-image back if it ever gets slow (obviously backing up data and settings first)

3. Do you think that's reasonable cost for $120 re-image of Windows 7. Or is there something better I should do (Other than Linux, since I have MS Office and I'm way more familiar with Windows anyway)

Dumb questions? How dare I ask? Smiley Happy If you know the answers and how to help, that's because I don't Smiley Happy
Windows 7 Home Premium? Oh I'm shuttering the thought of using this Smiley Very Happy My next questions will be make all this background stuff stop running Smiley Happy No doubt the image comes with everything! If I see trial Norton, I'll be going outside for a smoke before killing every instance of it Smiley Happy

Thanks again Smiley Happy

Best Answer


  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓
    1. Acer recovery media
      if you are in the US you can buy it:

      if you are outside the US, you must call/email your regional Acer support service:
    2. XP is no  more supported by Microsoft and drivers support are closed too, so no way to use XP again; it's also better for your data security. Smiley Wink
    3. 120$ is way to much, it costs less find some windows 7 retail or anytime upgrade media on amazon, or asking a friend with a windows 7 installation media to install it, using your product key.
    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,398 Trailblazer

    Hello kimsland,


    You wrote:

    "Acer Support confirm the laptop is not under warranty plus they don't sell the media for that laptop any longer!"


    It's odd because you can normally buy the erecovery media for a computer which is not under warranty and works under an old OS like Vista so...

  • kimsland
    kimsland Member Posts: 4 New User

    Thanks for your reply IronFly

    I'm not sure why 'if you are in the US you can buy it' only. Why I wonder? Pretty sure the whole world is computer everything these days. Acer itself is obviously worldwide. It seems strange that I'm requested to go to my local computer shop, which happens to be the 'acer distributer'(?)

    I'm sure I could find someone or somewhere a Windows 7 disc could exist, but... that's not the 'image'.
    I'm hoping that this 'Acer distributer' is providing the 'Acer' original image, and not just any Windows 7 installation?
    It may sound strange, but I would prefer the orioginal image installed. Because that hopefully comes with the native Acer drivers and possible programs. I mean it better, otherwise it is a waste. (Not just drivers, but even just Acer tagging that type of thing)

    No one likes XP anymore Smiley Sad Only us old timers. Data security you say, as data is usually posted to the cloud or social media by anyone under 25 Smiley Very Happy

    Thanks for your reply Smiley Happy

  • kimsland
    kimsland Member Posts: 4 New User

    Thanks for your reply laurent_14

    I agree it IS strange.
    I asked twice to make extra confirmation.

    Seems the 'US' must have rights to the media but for Acer 'RestOfTheWorld', too bad!
    It would have been so much easier to buy the media. 'I' could install it, Plus I'd actually have the media!! (the present way I've got to create my own image or something. I'm hoping that F10 thingy will work too, but I understand that may be 'User' create as well.

    Why US? Are your computers strange or something Smiley Happy


  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    as Laurent told, i find really strange that the erecovery disks are not available.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,398 Trailblazer

    Perhaps Cory or Justin have an idea or a solution! I indicate them this topic.

  • Cory-Acer
    Cory-Acer Administrator Posts: 1,449 Community Administrator



    Unfortunately, due to regional restrictions, the ability to move media (in sales) and other factors play a role in if media is available. I can't specifically speak for Acer Australia's policies and processes when it comes to recovery media, so if they've stated that no longer are able to manufacture and sell media for a specific product, I won't be able to change that.


    In the US, we have some requirements to continue to sell recovery media for certain products past a normal 3 year period, but this requires a Serial Number so it can be vetted on the backend.


    I know this doesn't provide an answer or get anyone closer to a resolution but I hope the information is helpful in understanding why availability might be different from region to region.


  • kimsland
    kimsland Member Posts: 4 New User

    Thanks everyone for your excellent information and support on this matter.

    I had the 'Acer distributor' (really just local computer shop - who does multiple licenced brands) fully recover the image to the drive.
    Note: The Shop proprietor confirms the restored image was the 'Acer' original image, plus it has come with Acer branding (computer properties etc)
    Sadly, it did not automatically create the extra hidden partition (if hidden) to restore from F10 startup command. It only created one complete partition with the OS on it only.

    Again thank you all for your help along the way Smiley Happy




  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    You welcome. Smiley Happy


    at this point, why don't you create a disk copy of your HDD to an external HDD?

    so in the worst case, you can copy back this backup to a new or your old HDD.


    I'm not an Acer employee.