My Aspire v5-571p needs a new BIOS.

RTCheatham Member Posts: 3 New User

My Aspire v5-571p needs a new BIOS. I have 5  Win 8 recovery disks just purchased by mail from Acer for my SNID.  24307909820. (1-system, 3-recovery and 1 language) The original bios is v2.17.  I have downloaded it from Acer.  It is a .exe file. Running it opens a command window which disappears so fast you cannot read it.  A quick screen capture revealed a statement of incompatibility.   I have the "aspire_v5571p.pdf" service manual which asks for a "Crisis Package Source".  I cannot find that anywhere on the net.  I contacted and paid for service at the Acer recommended "Answers By".  After 4 hours they eventually directed me to boot from a flash drive and write all zeroes to the hard drive.  This was successful with NO errors. The Acer System disk will boot in legacy boot mode but not in UEFI.  It will ask for a reboot continuously alternating between the two boot modes.  They gave up. I have since created a Win8 boot flash drive and loaded a very basic Win 8 on my system.  I tried running the BIOS .exe file from windows run, system prompt (admin), safe mode and dos boot modes.  All fail.

How do I reload the original BIOS or even the updated v2.18?    Too many hours!!!!  Hope you have an answer.


  • Forever
    Forever Member Posts: 17 Troubleshooter

    You might try the next things:


    1. Install Windows 7 and try to install BIOS from Windows 7.

    2. Try to install the next version of your BIOS, if you have a version prior to 2.15, first install 2.15, after 2.17 and after 2.18.


    BIOS Download Links from Acer Support Website:


    BIOS 2.15

    BIOS 2.17

    BIOS 2.18


    I have some questions regarding your problem because I don't understand what's the problem Smiley Happy


    What is the problem that you have?

    What is your BIOS version?

    You want to recover your system using DvD's?


    In the past I had a problem with there recovery DvD's one other brand, I recovered Windows 8 but it won't start, it got me to the point that I need to recover it again and again and again.


  • RTCheatham
    RTCheatham Member Posts: 3 New User

    Thanks, Forever, for your suggestions.  The original problem was failure to boot with the error, "Operating system not found."  An inspection of the hard drive revealed that in the posession of a former employee the hard drive had been largely erased to include the os.  I ordered the DVD's from Acer.  Attempting to use the first DVD "System" produced alternating requests from the installation to reboot in LEGACY then UEFI then LEGACY modes ....... and so on with no resolution.  The original BIOS was 2.17.  I think that I have no other choice but to recover using DVDs.  I will try your Win7 suggestion. Again, Thanks. Tracy

  • RTCheatham
    RTCheatham Member Posts: 3 New User

    Success.... For the second time, I used a bootable flash and the GWScan utility to write zeroes to the hard drive. I reset the bios to the default settings and booted the System disk of my 5 recovery disk package.  The computer accepted and executed the entire recovery.  The only difference from last time was that I selected the 'quick' option for writing zeroes which only writes to the first and last million sectors of the hard drive.  It's working so I'll leave the BIOS alone!
