Bios for Acer Aspire Nitro VN7-791G

ZooL Member Posts: 10 New User



Please where could I find original bios for this laptop ? (not bios 1.10 or 1.11 from Acer Web site).


No archives anywhere ?

Maybe someone could create an image of his bios (older version) ?



Thank you.


  • Sharanji
    Sharanji ACE Posts: 4,484 Pathfinder
    The version v1.19 and V1.10 are the only BIOS version avaliable  for this model.
    The orginal BIOS version that was shipped with your computer can be flashed only at Acer repair center.

    Click the Kudos kudos-thumbs-up.pngto say “Thanks” for helping! select "Accept Solution" if your issue is resovled.

    I hope this helps! If this was useful, please hit 'Yes' or 'Like'! Thanks! 😊

  • ZooL
    ZooL Member Posts: 10 New User

    Ok...I can't get back to the 1.10 neither :-(


    And is it free to flash my bios at Acer repair center ?

  • HusamN34
    HusamN34 Member Posts: 17 Troubleshooter

    Why do you want to go back to the original BIOS?


    I have the same model and i just want to know if we are facing the same issue, did the system became unstable after the upgrade?


    Please let me know what happened after the upgrades.

  • ZooL
    ZooL Member Posts: 10 New User

    I would like to go back to the original bios because I meet a problem (with Windows 7 only) about my graphic cards, and only if my ACER laptop starts/launches the operating system using the battery !

    It's like if my nvidia graphic card can't be detected when the desktop is displayed (using the intel graphic card)...

    It's like if the drivers of the nvidia graphic card can't be used !


    If I don't use the battery (so the laptop connected to 220V), no problem appears ! (and I can disconnect the laptop from the 220V later, when the desktop of Windows 7 has been displayed : it's ok)


    I dont know if it's because of the last bios I installed (because I updated the bios before using Windows 7 with this laptop...). But maybe...

  • HusamN34
    HusamN34 Member Posts: 17 Troubleshooter

    I understood your problem and that is really strange...


    Does the nvidia GPU show up under the Display adapters in Device manager?

    (When you power up the laptop using the battery)





  • orbsplateau
    orbsplateau Member Posts: 9 New User

    I have a VN7 791G running Windows 7 64 and the latest BIOS in legacy mode. If you can provide a bit more detail, I'd like to try and see if I can replicate the problem on my system.



  • ZooL
    ZooL Member Posts: 10 New User

    When I power up the laptop using the battery, the nvidia GPU appears in Device manager but not as a display adapter : I mean the nvidia GPU is recognized as an unknown device in "Other devices" (as if the "good NVIDIA" drivers are not installed or can't be loaded...). The same state when you install Windows 7 for the first time...


    And, when the desktop appears, I can notice that the cursor of the mouse freezes/defreezes during few minutes or something like that.


    In the events viewer, I noticed critical red errors about kernel/core/hardware (I don't remember exactly, because I don't use Windows 7 anymore with this laptop...for the moment !). I remember theses errors are here even if I start the laptop without the battery...but not sure.


  • HusamN34
    HusamN34 Member Posts: 17 Troubleshooter

    I see, this is really strange, why is the GPU's not being recognized when powering via battery on Windows 7??  Smiley Frustrated drove me crazy yesterday trying to understand what is causing it, and i know how stressful it can be facing these kind of problems and not finding a solution.

    I'm real sorry i'm not much of a help, i'm also facing a problem with the same laptop after upgrading the BIOS, it is now unstable.

    I will see if i can take my laptop to an Acer repair center, and ask them if they can provide me the original BIOS, and surely will post it here on this thread so you can download it.

    By the way this just occurred to me, have you tried downgrading to BIOS 1.10 ?

  • ZooL
    ZooL Member Posts: 10 New User

    Sure I tried downgrading to bios 1.10 but it's not possible : the laptop "detects" I got 1.11 and doesn't accept to downgrade !!!


    Maybe I missed something but I don't think so...

    Maybe you could try too... ?



    About the hardware of my laptop, I've replaced the DVD-CDROM device by another hard disk.

    I thought maybe the battery could not be "enough" (about power) with 3 hard disks in my laptop instead of 2 : I've tried without this hard disk (and without the cdrom device) but nothing changed...

  • HusamN34
    HusamN34 Member Posts: 17 Troubleshooter

    You need to do a little trick to bypass the version check for a successful BIOS downgrade:


    Note: Make sure your laptop is connected to the power supply.


    1- Download WinRAR if you don't have it, then install it.

    2- Download BIOS 1.10 and extract the file TMBI0110.exe to a folder or desktop.

    3- Right click on TMBI0110.exe and select Extract to TMBI0110/

    4- Inside the TMBI0110 folder, there's a file called platform.ini open it


    5- Hit CTRL + F to find [Bios_Version_Check] (It is the second one, so click find next twice)

    6- Right under [Bios_Version_Check] there's Flag=1

    7- Change Flag=1 to Flag=0 then save the file and close it.

    8- Run H2OFFT-Wx64.exe (as administrator)


    9- Laptop will reboot after flashing the BIOS, let it start up to the desktop, then reboot it yourself again and keep hitting F2 to enter the BIOS menu and check the version, should be 1.10



    I tried downgrading to 1.10, it didn't solve my problem, but hopefully it will solve yours, good luck!


    Yeah i also thought that your battery has a problem where it is not giving enough power to power up the GPU, but you said that it was working with Windows 8.1 with no problems before, so it may just be a software problem.