what wifi card

sixlees114 Member Posts: 5 New User

what wifi card should i put in my acer az3-605-ur38 since mine quit working?


  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer



    Could you give me the first ten characters of the computer serial number (S/N)? Only the first ten.

  • sixlees114
    sixlees114 Member Posts: 5 New User


  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer

    Here is the WIFI/BT board for your Aspire Z3-605-UR38:




    It's very difficult to find it on eBay or Amazon so you could order on this online shop.


    You can request a quote and place an order from your Acer store in using the customer service form.

    In the form:

    1- You select in "Please Select a Subject: Other"

    2- In "Describe the Problem:", you indicate the S/N of the laptop.

    3- Example:

        "Price request for the following spare parts:

         - P/N, description

         - Etc"


    You'll receive a quote by mail (pdf document). You can also phone them.

  • sixlees114
    sixlees114 Member Posts: 5 New User

    thank you. Is there a upgraded one or is this the only one that you can use.

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer

    Is there a upgraded one or is this the only one that you can use?

    It's the only board for the Aspire Z3-605 serie. May be you can find a compatible one but....

    I suggest you to contact your Acer store. You'll be pleasantly surprised!

  • sixlees114
    sixlees114 Member Posts: 5 New User

    Thank you very much for your help!!!

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer

    You're welcome!Smiley Happy
