Remove stand from Acer T232HL touchscreen monitor

icedawg Member Posts: 12


Hey all.


I've got a new Acer T232HL monitor, and I've hooked it up to a VESA monitor arm. I've tried and tried to remove the stand that came attached to the monitor but for the life of me I cannot remove it--and I've used quite a bit of force. I've read that it does, apparently, come off, but I'm not having any luck. Can anyone please tell me how to remove it?


  • icedawg
    icedawg Member Posts: 12


    I managed to find instructions that someone posted on another site explaining how to remove the stand on the T272HUL, which has the same stand as the T232HL. If anyone else is interested, just pinch the black cover over the stand and then you can pull it off, revealing 4 screws. Now if you're like me, you're probably asking yourself why Acer didn't include any instructions about how to remove the stand in the manual. Hmm...