Predator G3620 GPU Upgrade issue

Shuheihan Member Posts: 5 New User

I have the standard build for the G3620 however I have upgraded the memory to 16GB and added more HDDs. I have been having some issues with the GPU that came installed so I decided to buy a new one. I bought a Geforce GT740. I installed the GPU and am now having an issue with getting the PC to load to windows. Basically the PC boots up and you can tell it is using the new GPU because the resolution is increased. However it beeps a total of three times and then loads to a black screen. On this screen is the info for the GPU installed and a blinking underscore beneath that. This screen never goes away. It will stay here forever. I am wondering is this a motherboard issue? Or is this a sign of a weak PSU? I upgraded the BIOS to P01-A2 from the Acer site and hoped that would help but I'm still getting the same issue.


  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,402 Trailblazer



    You said: "However it beeps a total of three times and then loads to a black screen"

    Is it when it boots up?


    One long beep and two short beeps then repeat:

    VGA not installed or VGA error.

    Graphics card error/not installed, graphics card memory error or graphics card BIOS checksum error.


    One long beep then two short beep:

    BIOS damaged.

    BIOS is damaged, BIOS POST jumps to Boot Block to execute the default procedures.

  • Shuheihan
    Shuheihan Member Posts: 5 New User

    Well, when it would normally start loading windows is when, instead, I get the black DOS like screen. It's not a blank screen, however, and does have the video card info typed at the top. Under that is the blinking underscore as if it was loading something. But it never goes anywhere after that.


    Actually the three beeps are all short, normal beeps but spaced out. The first beep is just after I turn on the power. Then at the screen where it is loading (and you normally have the option to open setting or choose boot device) I will get another beep. Then the last beep happens a little after that when it loads to the black screen.


    The BIOS should be fine because I am using this PC just fine when using the old graphics card still. And the fact that I can see the newly installed card's info on that black screen leads me to think that it is working fine as well. I don't have any other computers here to test it unfortunately.

  • Shuheihan
    Shuheihan Member Posts: 5 New User

    I'm curious as to how you would be able to tell what the problem is with my situation. If it was the BIOS would the card show up at all or would it not even connect? Also, same question for the PSU. If I am not giving it enough power will it still show up at all? Because my card shows up in all cases, it just freezes before it boots up fully. The image below is how far my PC gets in the boot up stage before all activity just stops. It will stay on this screen with the underscore blinking forever. The CPU light stops blinking on the tower so I'm assuming everything is just halted and frozen. If I put the original GPU back in, everything works fine.IMG_2230.JPG

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,402 Trailblazer



    What graphic card do you have exactly (brand, model)?

  • Shuheihan
    Shuheihan Member Posts: 5 New User

    Well, it's a Japanese brand.It is the Galaxy GF-GT740-LE2GHD/OC. That link is to the Japanese company page but I'm pretty sure the more vital need to know info is recognizable without knowing any Japanese. Major terms are all still in English.

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,402 Trailblazer



    I don't think it's a Japanese brand...

    I found the manufacturer of your graphic board Galaxytech and your board.

    I advise you to contact the Galaxytech support by email.

    As I saw on your picture, the motherboard wait an information from the graphic board to update the memory bios (Cmos). I think there is a graphic memory or vbios issue.

  • Shuheihan
    Shuheihan Member Posts: 5 New User

    Alright, I'll be more specific. I bought it from a Japanese company in Japan that sold and packaged it with its brand along with Galaxy's name. 

    Anyway, I will try yet again emailing someone else. I suppose I will write back here if I get a response.


    Edit: Galaxy replied and I tried their solution but it didn't change anything. I'll wait to see what they say to do next.


    Also, I purchased a more powerful PSU and tried that. It also did nothing. Which means, that if galaxy can't come up with anything else it is likely a BIOS issue. Which ultimately is Acer's fault I imagine seeing as how the BIOS for my motherboard hasn't been upgraded in two years. 

  • spoonwarrior
    spoonwarrior Member Posts: 2 New User
    Bios from standard acer pc's cant co-op with 3rd party gpus... A new non acer mono is required since acer tech support is a bunch og dicks for not fixing This... You Are NOT the first to have This problem m8