When my Acer iconia a3 will get android lollipop???

rlpedro92 Member Posts: 1 New User


  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,638 Trailblazer

    No time soon... They haven't announced Lollipop for any Acer models yet, and typically we see new OS versions on new models first, then ported to older ones.

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  • hollidayjay
    hollidayjay Member Posts: 2 New User

    Months later and still no update, still no announced date. Very disapointing. I loved my Acer Iconia A500 tablet which received lots of updates, the A3 A20 on the other hand has been nothing but disapointment. If Acer isn't going to keep Android updated then they should open the door to rooting the device so the community can support itself. I hate the version of Android that came preinstalled, as did the Android community in general, and can't wait to move on to lollipop where Google backpeddled on some of the 'features' I'm currently stuck with.


    Until Acer releases lollipop, my A3 A20 is just an expensive paperweight. I'd strongly advise anyone against buying the A3 A20 or any other Android tablet that doesn't already offer lollipop. Since Acer doesn't responded to questions on anticipated release dates for updates, we can only assume that our device will never be updated. The only avenue for recourse I see available to me is to negatively updated my product review on Amazon.com and MAYBE, if enough people take this approach, Acer will be forced to hire a PR person to respond to all of the negative comments by communicating more effectively with your customers than you currently are.


    Good communication is a cornerstone to every facet of business, please let us in on the big secret of when or if our A3-A20's will get an update to lollipop. Estimates are allowed...




  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,638 Trailblazer

    You might try contacting Acer directly instead of hoping someone from marketing just happens to drop by after work. Smiley Happy


    My only experience with Lollipop so far has been with my Samsung S5 and it's been far from smooth. Acer might be waiting for the bugs to shake out before updating older models. They had a fairly rocky time when they did the KitKat upgrade from Jellyean, until the 4.4.2 release hit, which seemed to address many of the issues peope were seeing. Remember that it's a lot more work to do three or four interim releases than to do one final release...

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  • hollidayjay
    hollidayjay Member Posts: 2 New User

    How silly of me to think that someone at Acer would be monitoring an Acer Community forum that is hosted by Acer and might respond directly to their Acer User Community.


    As far as asking Acer directly, there are several web sites that do just that and they have received no response. By posting here my hope was that they might respond since this is a public forum. Instead I get a non-response from you, the same response i've seen you give in other places. People are understandably frustrated with the lack of updates and information. Maybe if more people spoke up and less people made excuses for Acer they might be more forthcomming with their plans. As I said, even an estimate would be appreciated.


    As to your assertion that many small updates is "a lot more work" than doing one big update I disagree completely. As a professional programmer with over 30 years experiance I can tell you definitively that many small updates is much easier than doing one large update. Virtually the entire software industry has moved to doing many small updates released continuously rather than the monolithic updates released once a year. Google follows that model with Android and even MS Windows 10 is adopting that model to the point where they've said there will be no Windows 11.


    My question remains unanswered, will someone from Acer please step up to the plate and provide an answer?


  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,638 Trailblazer

    hollidayjay wrote:
    As to your assertion that many small updates is "a lot more work" than doing one big update I disagree completely. As a professional programmer with over 30 years experiance I can tell you definitively that many small updates is much easier than doing one large update. Virtually the entire software industry has moved to doing many small updates released continuously rather than the monolithic updates released once a year. Google follows that model with Android and even MS Windows 10 is adopting that model to the point where they've said there will be no Windows 11.

    Heheh, I've been a professional programmer for more than 30 years too. I got my start witha teletype machine connected to a main frame in the early 70s. Smiley Happy I agree small updates are less work for the programmer, it's how we progress through a project after all. But that needs to be tempered with both the customer support side, which ends up with many possible releases someone with an issue might have, and the marketing side where any small bug is inflated into a company wide black mark for releasing 'before it's ready'.


    Patience is all we can have, Acer won't be making any premature announcements, they pretty much haven't as long as I've been hanging out here anyway. When they think it's ready they'll announce and I expect start OTA updates within days.

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