Switch 10: Any way to delay turn on?

FerryAnoid Member Posts: 43


This thing turns on with lightest flick of the "on" button, which not a bad thing, but I have a neoprene sleeve which when bumped near the switch will turn it on. Found it with 48% battery when I went to use it and it should have been around 98%.


Our Miix tablet has about a 3-second hold-down delay. Is there any way to add a delay to the Switch? Pun intended.


Maybe in the UEFI? I couldn't find anything though.




  • Ryanrr
    Ryanrr Member Posts: 831 Practitioner WiFi Icon



    I apologize but I do not see a way to change the button response. I did play with the button and it does require a certain amount of force for it to "click" and turn on.