How to recover system without recovery disk?
point 9
All of my backup files on my external hard drive are .NBF file extension, how do I restore?
In the My Files folder on your destination drive, you should have a File and Fodler.CAL file and your File and Folder*.NBF files. The CAL file is used to track which files are in which NBF files. To restore this, you can click on the Restore button in the mail screen for Backup Now EZ or you can open the action menu and click on restore from the main screen for Backup Now EZ. Then your backup will be automatically selected and you will be able to select your restore points. Then you will be able to select the files you want to restore and restore them. The Complete system backup can only be restored by booting from a bootable CD or DVD made in Backup Now EZ by running the Create Bootable Disc tool in the Tools menu in Backup Now EZ.
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