A1-830 system update 4.2.2 KitKat

meme88 Member Posts: 2 New User
So like everyone else I have updated my tablet to the new update being KitKat. I have a few errors that I have no idea how to fix and was hoping someone could help me out.
1st big one is my camera its just gone! Every time I try to take a pic or video it says app isn't installed! Where did it go my camera was fine before the update.
2ed is my Facebook chat app no longer works.. I have uninstalled it reinstalled the app but nothing..
I have no idea how to fix any of these bugs so any tips would be great!
Thank ☺

Best Answer

  • hn
    hn Member Posts: 1 New User
    Answer ✓

    Hi, I have the same problems with the camera and fb msger/other msgers after the update. If I knew it, I wouldn't have updated it Smiley Sad


    I was able to solve the camera issues by removing the one on the home screen and select the one from ALL APPS.  However, all the msgers are still not working.  Does anyone have the solution?


  • vazsilva
    vazsilva Member Posts: 1 New User
    I have de some problem. How can I fix it?. Thanks in advance. vazsilva
  • meme88
    meme88 Member Posts: 2 New User
    Its mainly the camera app I want back I used it a lot video chat n such
  • Aussie
    Aussie Member Posts: 11


    I think I'll keep away from the KK for now... Even my Moon+ Reader apparently has some issues with KK... Let's keep an eye on iy till it is more stable...

  • hn
    hn Member Posts: 1 New User
    Answer ✓

    Hi, I have the same problems with the camera and fb msger/other msgers after the update. If I knew it, I wouldn't have updated it Smiley Sad


    I was able to solve the camera issues by removing the one on the home screen and select the one from ALL APPS.  However, all the msgers are still not working.  Does anyone have the solution?

  • eskaro2001
    eskaro2001 Member Posts: 2 New User

    I have a A1-830 and recently the wifi started to give problems in terms of you have to put the tablet next to the router in order to get full strength signal, When you sit like 8 feet!!! away the strength is very weak and you cannot browse. Bringing it back bear or next to the router, guess what? Full strength again. Nothing is wrong with my router because my laptop and phone wifi are acting accordingly. I did a factory reset and let the battery drained out to no avail. I'm getting funned out. Anyone having this same issue. By the way it updated to 4.4.2 and it was working well for a month or so. Any help is much appreciated

  • whitegaming
    whitegaming Member Posts: 2 New User

    hi the same with 4.2.2 updated, my A1-830 camera app wont open

  • starkey1990
    starkey1990 Member Posts: 1 New User

    I also get connection problems with wift exactly the same as above. I sit next to the router and boom internet, then when i go even 3 foot away i go down 3 bars? and i bought it second hand so no warrenty etc. everything else works its a shame because its probably an easy fix and there is no info easily available! 

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,592 Trailblazer

    There are a number of threads here for several of the tablet models where one or both of the antenna cables come loose from their connectors. As you surmised it is an easy fix, just open it up,plug the cable back in and perhaps put a bit of tape holding the cable in place. They are really small connectors... Smiley Happy

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