The virtualisation, on i7 acer V3, Windows 8 64b, is activated but I dont see “hyper-V manager”

mau Member Posts: 5 New User



The virtualisation, on I7 acer V3, Windows 8 64b, is activated; taskManager show me this.

the edition specified in “panel configuration” -> “system” indicates Windows 8, without additional precision.


I believe  that my I7 acer is Hyperviseur type 1, in more near to the material layer.

q1 : think i right, when i say that desktop W8 is a virtual machine? if so, which is the manager of virtual machines: ESX or hyper-V?


h1 : if Hyper-v is the manager, which I think, since native OS is Windows 8, where is “hyper-V to manage”?

I saw on the Net, Mathew John, principal Program Manager Lead Windows Hyper-v TEAM, that in “program and functionalities " -> “Windows features” a box  with notching “Hyper-V” activate or not the management of Hyper-v, but with my Windows 8 64b, this check box desn't exists.


q2 : Which edition of Windows 8 have this functionality, except the version Windows Server 2012 or less? i suppose Windows 8 pro?


“hyper-V manager” is not being activable on my I7 acer v3 W8.

q3 :Which holds “ hyper-V manager ”? on the Net or in my machine?


I do not speak about system-center for Windows Server.

thanks for responses



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