Problem updateing A501 to version 4.0.3



  • doug_scott
    doug_scott Member Posts: 5


    I have been trying to get the 4.03 ICS version of Android for a couple of years now.  Currently I cannot even get the support site to show me any support files for my A501.  Pisses me off that some A501 owners are able to get the update, while other FAITHFUL customers are simply ignored.  Personally I am not asking or expecting Rogers to ever support this tablet, even though they told me back in early 2012 that the update to 4.0 would be available in a couple of months, and then later said that the update that was sent out to prepare my tablet to be able to update to 4.0 was proof that it was coming.  It has been 3 years, I have foolishly purchased three more Acer notebook products thinking Acer would treat customers better than Rogers.  I have sent numerous messages to Acer support, received exactly zero responses.  Tough to recommend either Acer or Rogers as companies to deal with.

  • iana
    iana Member Posts: 1 New User

    im having similar issues..


    i have an Icona A501 and have been following the steps recommended about reinstalling the firmware files..


    just done it with out success apparently as it still hase the same issues.. I had thought that by upgrading it may have resolved but no..  the one I have is locked to AT&T that I got in the USA some many moons ago.. and have now returned home to Australia.. the at&T card was never activated as I used the Icaon on wifi all the time I weas in the USA... I came acorrs the issues this werekend when tryint to download some apps for my grandson.. up until about 6 mothe ago everything was fien.. no it wont let me do anything in terms of the apps store downloads not will it let me upgrade asi it says the networtk is poor .. but I know its not..


    I have 25 Mg download at my location ALL the time..


    anyone out there that has some ideas?

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,667 Trailblazer

    The A501 uses different builds than the A500, and those builds could be specific to the wireless vendor (AT&T in your case), but if you are at ICS you are as far as it goes. You can safely ignore the "Network is poor" message, that's just the default when it can't reach the OTA servers, and those servers have been retired. To find updates you have to go to the support website instead.


    None of that affects your ability to get apps from the Play Store however. Try getting there through a browser on a different computer. I'm guessing your password doesn't match what Google has stored.

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  • doug_scott
    doug_scott Member Posts: 5


    The support site does not provide any downloadable files for the A501.  Not asking for something that was never planned for, just want the final operating system update that was promised 3 years ago, and we are still waiting.  Is that being unreasonable?  They even sent an update saying that we must install it in order to recevie the ICS upgrade.  Silly me, I thought that meant they were actually going to distribute the upgrade.