Acer Aspire E1-572 speakers not working

SteveInUtah Member Posts: 4 New User
edited August 2023 in 2018 Archives

I have an Aspire E1-572 that is five months old, running Win 8.1.  I've loved the notebook to this point, but now the speakers have quit working completely (the headphone jack still works).  I called tech support (welcome to India) and they had me delete and reinstall the driver (Realtech high definition audio), which made no difference.  


She then told me the next step is to refresh my Windows installation, which will apparently blow away everything I've installed since it was new.  I declined to do that because I really don't want to spend an entire day reinstalling all the programs, even though I have the data backed up.  Is this truly the only way to make a final determination if it's a hardware or software problem?


After I determine whether this is really required, and if it is, I plan to "ghost" the entire drive before I call tech support to work through the process, so I can restore the entire drive after it's been returned from warranty service.  Any problems anyone can see with this plan?




  • Sharanji
    Sharanji ACE Posts: 4,488 Pathfinder





    By default Windows does route sound to the internal speaker,  however you may check the sound settings.
    Press Windows key + X ,   click on "Control Panel",  
    With the Control Panel in "Control Panel Home" view please click on "Hardware and Sound"
    Where it says "Sound" in green letters there are three options below that are in blue click on "Manage Audio Devices"
    This will bring up a window labeled "Sound"
    On the "Playback" tab there is listed the sound options available to you. One should read "Speakers" Click on that.
    There should now be a check mark on that option, make Speaker output as default . The Sound should then play through your Speker.
    If the issue persist, first uninstall the Realtek high definition audio under "Sound, video and game controllers" in device manager
    Then restore the Realtek driver from Acer eRecovery management.
    Use the following steps to reinstall a driver or application on your computer:
    Press the Windows  key to open the Start screen, Type Recovery in the search box.
    Click Acer Recovery Management in the search results, Click Reinstall Drivers.
    On the Contents tab, locate the Realtek driver you wish to install and click the Install icon.
    Follow the prompts to install the driver.

    I hope this helps! If this was useful, please hit 'Yes' or 'Like'! Thanks! 😊

  • SteveInUtah
    SteveInUtah Member Posts: 4 New User

    Thank you, but that did not work either.  The speakers were already selected and the uninstall and reinstall made no difference, and is essentially what I went through with tech support yesterday.  Using the method you suggested, I was able to see all the old files removed, then did a reboot, the new files were installed, and then rebooted again, but do difference.


    What's next - do I call for a warranty return authorization?  Or do I need to do the system restore, which I understand will remove all my installed programs but leave the data?

  • SteveInUtah
    SteveInUtah Member Posts: 4 New User

    I did verify with Acer that I will lose all my installed programs when I do the system refresh, but they insist it is necessary to be sure it's not a corrupted system file causing the problem.  I maintain three websites and am not crazy about likely being without my computer while it is sent in for repair (probably 3 weeks by the time I get it back).  At this point I'm considering just attaching external speakers & not buying another Acer product.

  • nason1410
    nason1410 Member Posts: 2 New User

    Just bought an Acer Aspire E1-572-6870 as well.  About  week into using it, my speakers have stopped working as well.. Same problem as you .  Did the reinstallation of drivers and did a system restore (thought not a complete restore, just the OS).  


    Did you end up resolving the issue somehow?  Or did you send in your laptop?

  • SteveInUtah
    SteveInUtah Member Posts: 4 New User

    I ended up sending it in to their service facility in Texas because nothing I tried, including the system restore made any difference.  According to the service order they "Replaced mainboard and speakers, updated bios/DMI.  System checks OK."  Seems like they got it in and out in about a day, the majority of the time was shipping.


    Of course, you lose everything, so I recommend a clone of the hard drive before sending it in.  Worked fine for me.

  • Can-girl
    Can-girl Member Posts: 1 New User

    I have the Acer Aspire E1-510, about three months now and the sound quit on me today. The headphones still work. I have tried all of the supposed fixes short of refreshing my Windows installation and nothing has worked.


    I just use my laptop for surfing, emails, etc so I don't have much other than a few photos on it. So I am wondering if it would be a big deal to refresh my Windows? I am not very techie so if there is a lot of programs that I'd have to re-install it might be beyond me to try.


    Thanks for your input!

  • nason1410
    nason1410 Member Posts: 2 New User

    I recommend you contact the manufacturer to have the hardware replaced.  This is most likely a hardware issue, especially if you have gone through re installing all drivers and doing all the updates for windows.  I had the same problem, sent it in, had the part replaced and now it works fine.  

  • debbielewis
    debbielewis Member Posts: 1 New User

    Thank you!  The Recovery / reinstallation worked and now my speakers work again!  Such a relief to find something that works that I can do myself without sending the computer in.

  • grant15
    grant15 Member Posts: 1 New User

    Im jumping in here because i have a similar problem. My acer aspire E1-572G is 6 mths old, the Volume stopped working about 4 wks ago. I have little computer knowledge.


    On my volume icon on the bottom right hand side of the screen there is 'X' on the icon, when i click on the volume icon i get a 'detecting problems' window which tells meere is a problem and that it cant do anything about it for me.

    I have tried to follow other directions on how to go into my Speakers and unnistall/reinstall the Realtech high defintion audio. HOWEVR, my control panel will not load at all.


    Can anyone help me, i have been told its a virus, ive been told its the drivers, ive been told i need to wipe my laptop. No one seems to be able to give me a step by step approach.


    Ps... i really do not want to wipe the laptop, i have 1000's of photographs on here that i had to save from a past laptop and an external hard drive that died on me. It cost me a small fortune to save them all and have them stored on this laptop. They are all backed up, but in several different places, some in a drop box, others on the original memory cards, other in Kies, other in Google+ etc. Ugh, why cant these things just work.


    Really REALLY frustrated HELP




  • Amor2000ae
    Amor2000ae Member Posts: 2 New User

    After a week or more dealing with this problem in my Acer laptop i found the answer just go to speakers icon below and right click chose playback the chose the speakes icon there and disable then enable it all of sudden the sound will come out to the laptop Woman LOL!!!!!

  • Amor2000ae
    Amor2000ae Member Posts: 2 New User
    Its a piece of cake it worked for me just right click on speakers and chose playback devices then click on speakers icon and disable then enable it.. That's all
  • joycelanyon
    joycelanyon Member Posts: 1 New User

    Make sure you have BOTH the speaker plug AND the power jack plugged in.

  • mushahdi
    mushahdi Member Posts: 3 New User
    I tried EVERYTHING, but nothing worked, so i tried to go back from the most recent update (there is a button named "roll back driver") in my audio driver and that worked, finally!! I also permanently turned of windows updates so this would never happen again.